Time for the annual wrap-up of the most widely read blog posts during 2019. I use terms like “popular” fully aware that the topics of some of these posts are serious and sober. But it is useful to know what people are choosing to read on blogs like this one.
When I compiled this list, I was struck by the popularity of ‘hyper-local’ posts from West Middlesex in Mercer County to Worthington Borough in Armstrong County. Imagine how many stories go unscrutinized? Let that inspire you to consider starting your own blog and to let me know if you do – people crave local coverage of these topics.
Posts on the violent deaths of four different members of our community, three Black trans women and one white queer teen also made this list. There’s nothing to celebrate about those stories except to acknowledge that visibility and compassionate coverage of the victims lives and deaths do resonate with many people.
Two posts from 2018 resurged in 2019 – one a review of Giant Eagle’s home delivery grocery service and the other some practical things I learned while recovering from my hysterectomy in January 2018. Three #AMPLIFY posts are also in the top twenty. There’s one post about Pittsburgh Pridefest and one post about the demise of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. And a post about criminal charges against a member of our community in the broader context of community dynamics is also on the list.
The most recurring theme in this list is racial justice, a truth that doesn’t shock me. Before we move into the new year, please take a moment to just be mindful of where we are right now in the waning moments of 2019.
West Middlesex School District in Mercer County Implements Trans Inclusive Student Policies
Alexia, 40, is Bisexual, Transgender, and Loves Pittsburgh #AMPLIFY
Black Trans Woman Brianna ‘BB’ Hill, 30, was Murdered in Kansas City this week
Vote “No” on the Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy Tax Referendum
Paris Cameron, 20, was the 6th Black Trans Woman Murdered in the US in 2019
This is Who We Are in Western Pennsylvania: Antwon Rose & White Supremacy
Sarah, 38, Talks Transitioning in Her Rural Pennsylvania Community #AMPLIFY
The Daily Show Chose Pittsburgh to Explore How Corporations Capitalize on Pride Month
Bob, 24, is an autistic butch non binary lesbian. This is their story. #AMPLIFY
I Tried Giant Eagle’s Grocery Home Delivery Service and Here’s How It Went
Black Trans Woman Alicia Simmons Found Dead in Her West Philadephia Home
Worthington Man Behind Racist Messages Plans to Erect Two Additional Billboards in Armstrong County
17 year old queer teen Bianca Devins brutally murdered in horrific crime in New York State
White Supremacist Billboards in Armstrong County Refreshes Content with Worse Racist Hate
White Supremacist Billboards Disturbing Residents in Armstrong County, Pennsylvania
If you are curious:
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