Who Runs the World? Cat Ladies? Cat Ladies!

I have seemingly millions of trail camera photos from the colonies and TNR adventures. My cat lady adventures. My misfires. My questionable wardrobe choices. Don’t watch, don’t watch … it will only make your miserable. So yesterday I read that my cousin JD Vance’s 2021sexist and anti-cat comments about Kamala Harris had resurfaced. Have I […]

The Return of Spencer Cassadine: Helping My Cat Manage Anxiety

Black cats

No, not that Spencer Cassadine from General Hospital. His nameesake, the feline Spencer Cassadine. I’ve been worried about him since I returned. He was one of the cats trapped and removed from my house (stolen really) while I was very ill. A rescue group did that. They hurt me, a lot. But they hurt him. […]

Happy Caturday: Churu Edition

These three love bedtime treat time. They divide a Churu squeezable treat between them – Kinzua, Quartermaine, and Stefano DiMera. To support the #PghCatFolx projects, visit pghcat.com Venmo @PittsburghLGBTQ Paypal bit.ly/PayPalPLC  Facebook.com/PittsburghLGBTQ click Donate Button Checks can be made payable to “Pittsburgh LGBTQ Charities” and mailed to 1439 W. North Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15233

I Need Sunshine. Help Me Furnish My Cattic Lounge

I’ve been back in my home for 43 days now. The best part has been reuniting with my cats, both household and the colony cats. They seem happy to see me. I’ve been rearranging their spaces and firming up their routines. I added several anti-axiety protocols to help them adjust to my return. However, I […]

Update on Spencer Cassadine and Stefano DiMera aka my Cats

People often ask me how my cats are doing. So I’m compiling videos from the nanny cams so you can see for yourself. I was pleased to see them playing togther or near each other for over 15 minutes. These guys and their mama were TNRd in March 2021. Stefano (extra fluffy) is friendly but […]

Was Dr. John P. Ruffing Your Veterinarian? Celebrate His Birthday!

Dr. John P. Ruffing

He would be 58 on Wednesday Sometimes, I wonder how life would be if he had lived past the age of 41. But then I realize that is pointless. I am pretty sure he would not read my blog (all the reading!) and would proud of my awards. I have countless stories. Right now, I’m […]

Watch! Two Videos of My Black Cats of TikTok

First video is the brothers Stefano DiMera and Spencer Cassadine (yes, their mother is named Helena Cassadine) goofing around. They will be five years old in October. @pghlesbianblog our sweet babies #cat #cats #catsoftiktok #blackcat #brothers #siblings #rescue #love #fyp #share #video #Kodaline #growingup #dinner #food #catlover #catholic #catlady #catvideo #cute #sweet #babiesoftiktok #Newpost #tnr […]

This is How Your Benevolence Keeps Us In Business

This is How Your Benevolence Keeps Us In Business

It has been a challenging six months for the blog and this blogger. We just started our 19th year of blogging in December. We were honored for that milestone by the Pennsylvania State Senate and the Pittsburgh City Council. Also, we were nominated again in the Oustanding Blog category of the GLAAD Media Awards. And […]

These Northside Community Cats Need Help to Survive the Winter

It is Caturday. The community cats living at the Fort Faulsey need your help. We are hoping to collect some food, supplies, etc to help them get through the winter. Our neighbor, Marie, has been taking care of all of the colony cats, two feeding stations, etc. Since early August, 7 days a week without […]

Update from #FortFaulsey Cat Colony on Pittsburgh’s Northside

Fort Faulsey is a community cat colony on Pittsburgh’s Northside. It has two “branches” with feeding stations, shelters, outdoor cat beds, and more. They are about 300 feet apart. I refer to the OG location as Fort Faulsey and to our backyard as the ‘branch campus.’ For decades, these cats and urban wildlife were drawn […]