Stop holding out for a hero. Do the simple, but hard work.

Holding Out For a Hero

Please stop asking me to do these things this work. Send you a link to a specific post If we are talking about it and *I* say, ‘hey you should read this post’ then it is reasonable to ask me to send it to you. If we are talking about it and *you* say ‘hey, […]

So Tracking LGBTQ+ Executive Orders and Actions Matters Now

GLAD Law has published a summary of the anti-LGBTQ executive orders. I highly recommend you visit their site for solid information grounded in facts and common sense. They also tell what’s to be done about them. Below I list the framing GLAD uses for each Executive Order followed by the language the White House chose. […]

Social media is how I’m showing up this week

Someone asked me how I’m showing up to resist and defy the traumatic chaos seeping out of the White House. Fair question, my friend. So I’ve had pneumonia, still do. That’s dampened my capacity to engage in critical thinking activities, but I am on the mend. I’m trying to continue mending by not moving too […]

“Feeling overwhelmed is the point. When you recognize this, you regain some power.” Sociologist Jennifer Walter’s Advice, resistance

This quote has been moving around social media tonight, guidance from sociologist Jennifer Walter. It took me awhile to track down the source. This part really resonates with me: 3/ Remember: Feeling overwhelmed is the point. When you recognize this, you regain some power. Take breaks. Process. This is a marathon. Regain your power, my […]

What is Pennsylvania Media Saying About LGBTQ Issues Now

What is Pennsylvania Media Saying About LGBTQ Issues Now

What impact will the Presidential Executive Order on gender identity have on the chance of Pennsylvania passing statewide nondiscrimination protections via the Fairness Act? Here are some steps LGBTQ+ people can take to prepare for the Trump administration Will Pennsylvania Finally Ban ‘LGBTQ+ Panic’ Defense? Philadelphia advocate for trans community discusses Trump’s executive order on […]

There are 16 minutes left in this day

Today feels like an ending, the eve of the coronation of our new autocrat. Now I know this is something that has been happening since colonizing white Europeans arrived in the Americas. We’ve been on a journey through capitalism that has turned our lives upside down repeatedly, benefitting fewer and fewer people, hurting more and […]

Respectfully Inviting All 2025 Candidates for Office in Pennsylvania to Complete our LGBTQ Political Q&A

Political Q&A

It is almost time for a feature we’ve published for a decade – the Political Q&A interviews with candidates for political office in Pennsylvania. What is the Political Q&A? Each year, we customize a Q&A of about 15-20 questions for interested candidates running for any level of office – local, state, and federal from anywhere […]

Creating Hope By Sharing Social Media Content

We create hope, not simply hold onto it or believe in it. Our actions create hope, our intentions and our impact. (Good intentions without good impact can also destroy hope. Don’t fall back on your intentions.) I have not written many news or political posts since the election. I am paying attention, but unsure what […]

Guest Post: How to Survive and Thrive? Under Trump

CN: Satire, Trump, disturbing images Everywhere that I turn this week I find advice, demands, and grief over the direction 73,455,333 American voters have steered us. It is a dark hour, but it is not the only dark hour. Our elders and ancestors have walked through dark times, so I asked some of them to share […]

Guest Post by Lenore Dingus: Haudenosaunee-Seneca Perspective on Resiliency and Persistence

Indigenous peoples have come full circle from thriving to surviving, and back again. Everywhere that I turn this week I find advice, demands, and grief over the direction 73,455,333 American voters have steered us. It is a dark hour, but it is not the only dark hour. Our elders and ancestors have walked through dark times, […]