How a Community Pet Food Pantry in Pittsburgh Joined the Resistance

We don’t know what lies ahead. We won’t give you platitudes about resiliency or inner strength or toughness even though we think those are true. What we can give you is reassurance that you are not alone. The Dr. John P. Ruffing VMD Pet Food Pantry supports neighbors taking care of animals – community cats, […]

Update on Winter Pet Food Drive – After the Reindeer Are Fed, Remember the Cats and Dogs

We urgently need dry dog and cat food The Winter Holiday Pet Food Drive is underway. We are supporting the striking pet owners of the Newspaper Guild of Pittsburgh along with our colony caretakers and modest income pet owners. Scroll down for donation information. We have 68 households registered caring for over 700 animals. Each […]

This is My Appeal Post

This is the post where I confuse you with my various appeals. On a personal note, I still have a GoFundMe to help with my ongoing legal expenses and my personal expenses. Quite a bit of my great reduced income goes to this blog. Income from advertising is limited and scratches only the surface. I […]

My best friend Dr. John Ruffing died 17 years ago. His legacy is now a pet food pantry.

Dr. Ruffing Pet Food Pantry

All week, I’ve been loading donations for The Dr. John P. Ruffing VMD Pet Food Pantry into my borrowed Land Rover that we’ve dubbed St. Gertrude or Gertie. She contains multitudes of cat food. Now,there’s no interior light so I bought a head lamp. I added a USB port to the cigarette light – oh […]

The Reason My Cats Think I’m Horrible

Our second month of pet food distribution is underway. We have 50 total colony caretakers registered and 26 are active. All feed cats, some have dogs. Our main focus is dry cat food, especially during these winter months.  We’ll need bags of food in the 10-20 pound range. Smaller bags can be combined as well. […]

This Pittsburgh Pet Food Pantry Running Out of Cat Food

50 households caring for 650 cats. That’s how many folx are enrolled in The John P. Ruffing VMD Memorial Pet Food Pantry. And we do not have enough food to distribute for November. Obviously we don’t try to feed all 650 cats, but we do try to give something to each household. They are colony […]

Give Your Back(YardSale) a Good Scratch! Throw in a Pedicure.

Grooming tools are a great tool to donate to (back)YardSale to benefit #PghCatFolx … most are easy to sanitize, small, and very important for pet health. Pictured are flea combs, brushes, nail trimmers, shaver, a portable grooming setup, and a scratchy arch toy. Pretty girl took down the arch into her bed and grooms herself […]

(back)YardSale to benefit #PghCatFolx on Sat September 7, 2024

BackYardSale Cats Northside Manchester

We Established a Pet Food Pantry to Honor Your Favorite Veterinarian Dr. John Ruffing (1966-2007) Here’s How to Donate

The Story of John Ruffing Some of you remember John Ruffing WMS c/o 84. During the 80’s, he worked in the mall food court for years, hiring many of us. He went to Cal U then Penn to become a veterinarian. Then he worked in Dravosburg and Pleasant Hills among other spaces. In addition, he […]

Spencer Cassadine Lives Under My Bed

I trapped two male siblings in spring 2022 from Allegheny West. Mama was trapped a few weeks later. My naming protocol was based on soap opera characters. Mama became Helena Cassadine. Her boys were Stefano DiMera and Spencer Cassadine. Stefano is a love bug albeit an 18 lb love bug. We adopted him after realizing […]