In acknowledgment of Disability Pride Month, a look back at previous posts.
Most of my blogging about mental health began after 2010 when I was declared totally and completely disabled by the Federal Government. I immediately hit many walls of discrimination, bias, and ignorance on the part of other people. My response was to up end the apple cart of stigma and silence.
These posts are not in exactly chronological order, but generally so. They are a representative sample, but not every single post I’ve written on these topics.
- Disability Pride Month: Do You Know About 302’s?
- Mental Health Check-In
- How Discovering My Superpowers Gave Me True Courage
- The Death of Billy Miller Due To Bipolar Depression is Important
- Asking Why Four Young Trans People Have Died by Suicide in Lancaster, PA
- Updates Are People or Spreading My Truth
- Watch Me Try to Stand on My Feet Again
- Crowdfund and Life Update
- It is Hard to Get The Feeling and Sounds of Being Handcuffed Out of My Mind
- Here’s My Video Letter to Senator John Fetterman About Disability
- My Letter to Senator John Fetterman Regarding Bullying and Disabilities
- How I’m Resisting Social Anxiety During These Holidays
- Hypomania is Here
- Hypomania and King Cake
- My Haudenosunee Dream Catcher
- My World Mental Health Day in 2022
- Living With Birthday Anxiety
- Pennsylvania Governor Signs Executive Order to Protect LGBTQIA+ Pennsylvanians from Conversion Therapy
- Processing Trauma of Childhood Hunger
- Mental Health Check-In
- A Day With Social Anxiety
- Pride Anxiety
- A Mental Health Milestone For Me
- Fazing my therapist
- The Summer I Hoped to Have Without Loneliness
- Two Trans Folx Experiencing Mental Health Crisis Shot and Killed by Police in Separate Incidents
- More On Disability Pride from The 19th
- Sharing (Part of) My Mental Health Journey on #WorldMentalHealthDay
- A Mental Health Crisis Wrapped in the Middle of a Pandemic While the People Rise Up
- Finding Pride in My Disability
- Unpacking Dr. Oz Attacking John Fetterman for Surviving a Stroke
- COVID – Lingering
- Behind the essay: How writing about SSDI took a toll on my mental health
- Et tu, Hannah Gadsby? “Phone Free Experiences” and ADA Accommodations #MentalHealthAwareness
- Behind the Scenes with Social Anxiety on the Day of the Hannah Gadsby Show
- Autistic Asian-American Teen Trans Woman Kathryn Newhouse Murdered by Her Father in Georgia
- The Time a Lesbian Democrat Shamed Me for Being a Disabled Person With Cats
- That Time When the Social Security Administration Took Away My Disability Benefits Without Telling Me Why: Part One
- Losing My Psychiatrist on World Mental Health Day
- And Spring Depression Cometh …
- Let the record show that I spoke up for Susan Kerr and said that what she endured was not okay
- Scooping Cat Litter Boxes is Good For My Mental Health
- The Opposite of Abandonment
- Why I’m Blogging About Mental Health Awareness Month
- #Hysterecovery and Mental Health
- Four Reasons We Use a Q&A Format to Interview Artists & The Exception We Made for Emily Saliers
- Five Ways to Improve Accessibility of Your Special Event in Pittsburgh
- Unleashing Hope
- Raise Your Hands. Raise Your Hands High.
- A Tall Drink of Water To Help My Mental Health #NaBloPoMo
- May is Mental Health Awareness Month
- Empathy and Mental Health
- Getting It Right When It Comes To Mental Health
- Four Ways to Take a Mental Health Break (at Starbucks)
- Gay Marriage is Good Mental Health
- When Housekeeping Services are Ableist and Traumatizing #MentalHealthAwareness
- Today is the 30th Anniversary of My Graduation From College #MentalHealthAwareness
- Q&A with Therapist Matthew Reinhart About Trauma During a Pandemic
- When I Was Toxic
- Five Pennsylvania Health Boards Jointly Condem the Use of Conversion Therapy on Minors
- Do pheromones draw people with mood disorders together?
- Depression and leaving me home with the dog
- Depression renders user unhelpful
- Pandemic Depression
- Welcoming Depression
- Bipolar hypomania during a pandemic
- The Destructive Creativity of Hypomania
- Teletherapy and Coping with COVID-19
- Four Phases of My Mental Illness Journey (So Far)
- Minute by minute with anxiety
- Trauma and Tough Love Do Not Mix
- The loneliness of October
- Post Vacation Anxiety
- Review: Weighted Blankets by Magic Weighted Blanket Helps Me Manage Anxiety
- ‘Nowhere to breathe easy’ – That Time When Anxiety Spoiled My Chance to See Heart and Joan Jett Perform. Here’s How It Happened.
- Anxiety Ruined My Chance To Meet Damon Young
- A Hard Reset to Cope with Complex Trauma
- Facing Complex Trauma as an Adult
- My (Most Recent) Trauma Timeline and Losing My Voice
- Reverse Seasonal Depression and Spring
- #Hysterecovery and Mental Health
- Why I’m Blogging About Mental Health Awareness Month
- Five Ways to Support A Friend Living With Acute Mental Illness
- Ten Years Ago This Weekend, I Voluntarily Committed Myself to a Psychiatric Unit
- The Season of Depression Has Sprung
- Anxiety Doesn’t Always Win
- The Tough Times
- The First Time I Called 911
- Five Ways to Support A Friend Living With Acute Mental Illness
- My Therapist is a Nun
- May is Mental Health Awareness Month
- I am a mental patient. Hear me whimper?
- Would You Bring a Casserole to a Mental Patient?
- This Is Spring Depression
- Empathy and Mental Health
- Why I Am Spewing All This Heavy Stuff On My Blog
- I’m an anxious girl in an anxious world
- Four Ways to Take a Mental Health Break (at Starbucks)
- The First Time I Saw a Therapist