It has happened again.
On Wednesday, October 7, 2020, the body of Brooklyn DeShauna Smith was discovered at 2:15 in the afternoon in a Shreveport, Louisiana apartment complex. Cause of death was gun shot. Brooklyn was a 20-year-old Black trans woman.
Brooklyn was born and raised in Shreveport. She studied cosmetology at Bossier Parish Community College and had worked as a call center agent. Her social media was full of positivity, good humor, and family support – the typical content you expect from a 20-year-old young woman. She was vibrant and eager to embrace what the world had to offer.
Brook had turned 20 on September 20, 2020. She celebrated with loved ones. Then this – shot and left to die.
Authorities urge anyone with any information about this homicide to call Shreveport police detectives at (318) 673-6955. Or call the Police Department at (318) 673-7300 and select option 3.
Brooklyn or Brook as she was known is the 32nd trans and gender nonconforming person murdered to date in 2020 in the United States. She is the 21st Black trans person and the 20th Black trans woman murdered. She is the 5th person from Louisiana, all of whom were Black trans women. She is one of 12 victims age 25 or younger and one of the four youngest total – Yampi Mendez Arocho was 19, Helle Jae O’Regan was also 20, and Brayla Stone was just 17.

I learned about Brooklyn’s death a few hours after learning that Black transgender activist and blogger, Monica Roberts, had died earlier this week. Perhaps Monica was there to comfort and welcome Brooklyn. I grieve that Monica is not here to help seek justice for a 20-year-old trans kid, and to be honest, to help guide me in the right direction in writing this post. I counted on Monica as a friend and colleague to shine a light for allies like me trying to do right by the victims of this epidemic. But this post is not about Monica nor would she want Brooklyn’s death to be overshadowed by her own. The assumption now is that Monica died of injuries related to being the victim of a hit and run in the parking lot of her apartment complex.
But I do think the fact that Brooklyn’s death has not been picked up by the queer media is tied to Monica’s death a few days earlier. She was the bellwether. And this is evidence that her death will have deep ramifications for the most vulnerable Black trans folks.
How does a 20-year-old end up dying alone in an apartment from a gunshot wound in the middle of the day? There is no way Monica would let that pass, especially being so close to her home turn in Houston, without calling for attention and resources. I’d have to do a deep dive into my archive, but I suspect the number of trans neighbors murdered in broad daylight is on the rise. That’s only possible in a society that doesn’t acknowledge the visibility and validity of trans folx, especially trans woman and especially Black trans women.
Rest in power, Brooklyn. You deserved a full adult life with all of the experiences and wonders so many of us take for granted. You deserved to explore the world, surrounded by your loved ones, and valued for simply being you. We will continue to say your name and push for justice. I hope you are wrapped in a big hug from your Aunt Moni and finding peace.
My list of transgender, gender non-conforming, and non-binary neighbors who have lost their lives to violent deaths in the US during 2020.
- Dustin Parker – McAlester, Oklahoma. January 1, 2020. Age 25.
- Alexa Negron Luciano – Toa Baja, Puerto Rico. February 24, 2020. Age 29.
- Yampi Mendez Arocho – Moca, Puerto Rico, March 5, 2020. Age 19.
- Monica Diamond – Charlotte, North Carolina. March 18, 2020. Age 34.
- Lexi – Harlem, New York City, New York. March 28, 2020. Age 33.
- Johanna Metzger – Baltimore, Maryland. April 1, 2020. Age 25.
- Serena Angelique Velazquezz – Puerto Rico. April 22, 2020. Age 32.
- Layla Pelaez – Puerto Rico. April 22, 2020. Age 21.
- Penélope Díaz Ramírez – Puerto Rico. April 13, 2020. Age 31
- Nina Pop – Sikeston, Missouri. May 3, 2020. Age 28.
- Helle Jae O’Regan – San Antonio, Texas. May 6, 2020. Age 20.
- Tony McDade – Tallahassee, Florida. May 27, 2020. Age 38.
- Dominique Rem’mie Fells – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. June 8, 2020. Age 27.
- Riah Milton – Liberty Township, Ohio. June 9, 2020. Age 25.
- Selena Reyes Hernandez – Chicago. May 31, 2020. Age 37.
- Brayla Stone – Sherwood, Arkansas. June 25, 2020. Age 17.
- Merci Mack – Dallas, June 30, 2020. Age 22.
- Jayne Thompson – Colorado, May 2020. Age 33.
- Bree Black – Pompana Beach, Florida, July 3, 2020. Age 27.
- Draya McCarty – Baton Rouge, Louisiana, July 2020. Age unknown.
- Shaki Peters – Amite, Louisiana, July 1, 2020. Age 32.
- Marilyn Cazares – Brawley, California, July 13, 2020. Age 22.
- Tatiana Hall – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, approx June 29, 2020. Age 22.
- Queasha Hardy – Baton Rouge, Louisiana, July 27, 2020. Age 24.
- Tiffany Harris – Bronx, New York, July 26, 2020. Age 32.
- Aja Raquell Rhone-Spears – Portland, Oregon, July 28, 2020. Age 32.
- Aerrion Burnett – Independence, Missouri, September 19, 2020. Age 37.
- Mia Green – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, September 28, 2020. Age 29.
- Michelle Ramos Vargas – Puerto Rico, September 30, 2020. Age 33.
- Kee Sam – Lafayette, Louisiana, August 12, 2020. Age 24.
- Felycya Harris – Augusta, Georgia, October 3, 2020. Age 32.
- Brooklyn DeShauna Smith – Shreveport, Louisiana, October 7, 2020. Age 20.
Please do not cut and paste this list to share without a link to the post. Thank you.
2020 will be the grimmest year on record, November 20th a dark day. Again, thanks to PGHL for being supportive of Transgender people.
Brazil is even worse, with over 120 Transgender people murdered in just nine months. That’s more than the entirety of 2019. It’s genocide.