Meet Kane, a Cat Available for Adoption in Pittsburgh #PghCatLadies

Adopt a Cat Pittsburgh


Meet Kane

Adult male, Large, Flame Point, Long-haired, good with children but not other cats or dogs

Kane is a 6 1/2 year old flame point Himalayan. He is a sweet, bashful boy who loves pets and playtime. Kane is with us because his human died, and her husband had to go into assisted living, so he lost his home. It made him very sad. 🙁 You see, Himalayans come with serious responsibilities. They become very bonded with their humans, so you can’t change your mind in a year or so, because it would break his heart! Kane will need a patient adopter, because it will take him time to adjust to a new home. Kane is quite talkative and is very helpful in letting his person know how he feels about a variety of subjects. Hole in the middle of his food bowl? Bad. Pets? Good! Kane needs a human that can keep his luxurious coat brushed. Currently, he is growing out from a necessary lion cut to remove mats. Kane is also very shy and would likely do best as an only cat. His favorite activities are playing with his feather wand and snuggling on the bed. If you think you’re ready for some Himmie love, apply today!

Pittsburgh Cat Ladies News & Info


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