It is Caturday. The community cats living at the Fort Faulsey need your help.
We are hoping to collect some food, supplies, etc to help them get through the winter.
Our neighbor, Marie, has been taking care of all of the colony cats, two feeding stations, etc. Since early August, 7 days a week without fail. She’s 67 and works overnights at her “day job” but still made time to prepare 16 winter shelters. She also trapped Jennie Jane, our old gal who needed dental. Jennie had 16 teeth pulled, leaving 4. She’s already eating better. Jennie is spending the winter in the spare bedroom of Marie’s kind neighbor. Jennie Jane is mother to Sun Volt, Artemis, and Muriel. Probably more. But she’s been spayed since July 2019 so just has to worry about herself.
Marie originally agreed to take of the colony for a week. In early August. Five months later, she’s still going to the colony twice a day. All she’s accepted in reeturn has been donations of food and a Thanksgiving meal from Bistro-to-Go. But it is cold and snowy and she needs some support.
As do other cats in nearby colonies.
We have a basic wishlist you can use
And a Facebook fundraiser
And you can use our regular donation accounts
Venmo @PittsburghLGBTQ

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