Here’s How We Recently Helped Three Cats

Helping Cats

I was having a good day yesterday. Lots of little positive things. Then I got word that a cat named Tang had successfully been transferred from his humans to a rescue. That news was the capstone of the day. Two weeks ago, Tangs owners contacted me. A married gay couple, they both had serious, unexpected […]

That Time My Foster Kitten Got Sick and I Had to Miss the Governor’s LGBTQ History Month Reception

Governor Wolf LGBTQ History Month Reception

I’m tempted to write “It has been a week” but as it is only Monday night, that’s not adequate to explain where my head is right now. Here’s the quick and dirty version – I broke my toe Saturday night. Ouch. This morning, one of our foster kittens had a temperature of 105.4 (very high) […]

Foster Kittens Need Unique Names or How I Ended Up Surrounded by so Many DiMeras and Cassadines

Spoilers – this is a long post because it involves photos and lots of explanation. Also, I mention the fate of several soap opera characters. I also reference some sad outcomes for the community cats. Whimsical topic about a harsh reality. One lesson learned early on from fostering kittens is that there are naming protocols. […]

Twenty Tips About Donating Your Gently Used Stuff to Community Cats

Donate to Help Cats

Cat folx are generous to a fault. They share their excess, they pass the ‘stuff’ of their beloved pets onto others, and they gather stuff from their friends, too. I am constantly asked if #PghCatFolx can distribute this or that. Often enough that I think it is time to create a formal list with information. […]

Who is no one applying to adopt these gorgeous Siamese mix siblings?

Horton and Logan Siamese foster kittens

Their names are Logan and Horton. I trapped then in the Fineview neighborhood of Pittsburgh’s Northside in August 2021. Daddy was a Siamese and Mama was a Tortoiseshell. Mama was TNVRd and is part of a colony now. They are 10 months old. Logan is a Flame Point Siamese (mix) male – creamy soft white […]

Julia Child Liked Cats

Friday evening, we tried to watch Julia and give the foster kittens some downstairs time. Currently, we are fostering four kittens. Horton, Logan, and Quartermaine have been with us since August 2021 (about nine months old now), while Molly Lansing-Davis joined us in October 2021 (about 7 months). Her two sisters were adopted last month. […]

My Best Friend’s Funeral: I’m Still Crying 15 Years Later

Dr. John Ruffing Veterinarian

Today, my friend John would be 56 years old. Even in whatever heaven for terrific people might look like, he is cringing about that. But in some sort of heaven is a certainty for John. No doubt. I don’t even really believe in heaven or maybe I do, a little. But I know that a […]

Honor Earth Day By Cleaning Up A Neighborhood Hosting a Northside Cat Colony

My dear cat folx, the time is here – Earth Day is almost upon us and the clean-up events are rolling out across social media. I didn’t want to be left out in the shade, so I proposed to Pittsburgh LGBTQ Charities (PLC) that we organize a little event to clean up the Fort Faulsey […]

How long ’til my soul gets it right

I had an uncomfortable conversation with some folx today that left me a little shaken. The source of our difference of opinion isn’t so much a concern and being at odds while awkward is not the problem. The issue for me is something I’ve encountered over and over again – being accused of valuing cats […]

Kitten Molly Says “That’s Not My Name”

Kittens for adoption

@pghlesbian Molly Lansing-Davis met the big #kittens today. She is now #kitten boss #cats #catsoftiktok #fosterkittens #adoptme #thetingtings #kittensoftiktok @pittsburghcat ♬ That's Not My Name – The Ting Tings