Mainstream Media vs the Burghosphere: Which White Men Should You Listen To?

Mainstream Media vs the Burghosphere: Which White Men Should You Listen To?

By now, you've certainly caught this week's edition of the City Paper and noted the feature story on local blogs aka the Burghosphere — yes, dear readers, we have yinzerized the blogosphere.  The Burghosphere is young, hip, sassy and an “alternative” to the mainstream media (MSM).  Or so says all the white guys writing the […]


h/t Pam's House Blend

Tony Norman: Isaiah Washington “irrelevant” to reality of homophobia within African-American community

Tony Norman: Isaiah Washington “irrelevant” to reality of homophobia within African-American community

From today's Post-Gazette: Is it religion that fosters this willful ignorance and compulsion to deny basic civil rights to other oppressed minorities? Why is the black church so complicit in taking up the cudgel of discrimination when so many organists, choir leaders and assistant pastors are obviously gay? What accounts for this shameful lack of […]

Queer Shout Out to Sparkly Crippled Disco Babe on the Bus

Queer Shout Out to Sparkly Crippled Disco Babe on the Bus

Our great friend and all-around grooviest of the cool chics – Jennah –  has gotten herself quote in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette on a matter of great import to every one of us … the proposed Port Authority transit cuts.  Jennah is one of the amazingest people in the world — she takes no shit but […]

Cat’s Call: PG Advice Columnist Jettisons Carrie Bradshaw Approach – Meow!

Cat’s Call: PG Advice Columnist Jettisons Carrie Bradshaw Approach – Meow!

The Correspondents are happy to report that the advice business over at the Post-Gazette has slowly improved. Fear not, they haven't kicked off the “Just Ask Reg” column much to the dismay of middle age white guys throughout the city. We understand that Mayor Opie had floated the idea of a nifty “Do What Dennis Says” daily column […]

Ravenstahl “There’s more than one reason to handcuff a man”

Ravenstahl “There’s more than one reason to handcuff a man”

Now that Main Stream Media (MSM) has sunk its teeth into this little tale of a man and his handcuffs, the gay drama just escalates.  This is like Queer Eye meets Cops. WPXI airs previous interview where Ravenstahl plays word games to essentially deny being handcuffed.  If he didn't actually lie about it, he omitted […]

Is Pittsburgh a Gay Tourist Mecca? Post-Gazette Readers Chime In

Is Pittsburgh a Gay Tourist Mecca?  Post-Gazette Readers Chime In

Earlier in the week, our beloved Post-Gazette took a half-hearted look at Pittsburgh's potential as a gay tourist destination (or not).  Someone beyond your faithful correspondents noticed and took the time to share their perspective with the PG readership. First, we have the “tolerant” homophobe who believes in live and let live as long as […]

Lesbians on the Prowl for John McIntire

Lesbians on the Prowl for John McIntire

Per today's post at his Macyapper blog, it appears John is back in town and rarin' to go.  Word on the street — okay, in yesterday's Post-Gazette which is practically the same thing minus the labor tension and stale donuts — is that John may soon pop up on a local FM talk station.  Namely, […]

Why Pittsburgh Libraries Rock er, Tango ?

The Post-Gazette's Big Kahuna himself , David Shribman, dedicated his weekly column to a subject near and dear to our hearts – public libraries.  It seems some libraries are contemplating replacing underutilized classics with modern hot properties to conserve shelf space.  Ick!  Shribman correctly points out the damage this move can cause: Some of the slow-moving […]

Is Catherine Specter Inching Toward Feminism?

This morning, I flipped to the “Just Ask Cat” segment in the PG and almost spilled my coffee.  No, she still has the rich girl slumming as hipster yinzerette photo up.  Its way more interesting than that. And you know how much I look forward to reading Cat's insipid advice each week.  Cat stood up […]