Up To Bat – Tony Norman

I woke up with one of those sinus headaches slightly reminiscent of a hangover without the fun memories.  Another crappy Friday to muddle through. I'm scrolling through the online edition of the Post-Gazette and I stumble into the return of my all-time favorite columnist – Mr. Tony Norman.  PLUS, he even makes a gay joke about […]

Political Junkie Calls Out Mike Pintek as Homophobe

Political Junkie Calls Out Mike Pintek as Homophobe

HOMO? One of Pittsburgh's most creative political bloggers put up a nugget this morning about former KDKA talk radio personality Mike Pintek using the word “homo” while hosting a program on PCNC.  Pintek was discussing the use of South Park restrooms for sexual encounters among gay men.  According to Maria: Mike Pintek was the host […]

Allegheny County Police Continue to Target Gay Men

From Saturday's Post-Gazette comes word that the Allegheny County Police successfully prevented five gay men from having sex.  Or at least they successfully punished five men for having sex by arresting them.  Or somewhere in between. As we reported last week, these intrepid cops have been monitoring a men's bathroom on Corrigan Drive (the park's main drag […]

African-American Lesbian Blogger sets the bar high for gay blogs

African-American Lesbian Blogger sets the bar high for gay blogs

Pam's House Blend is one of my daily absolute must-reads.  Her take on all things anti-gay, anti-black and anti-woman is smart, insightful and devastating.  I've borrowed her phrase “wingnuts” here and linked to her site more frequently that just about any other except the Post-Gazette.  The Washington Blade offers up a feisty look at what makes […]

PG Readers Sorely Lacking in Christian Compassion

I think a few PG readers must have slept in on the Sundays when their pastors talked about visiting the imprisoned and other Jesus references to compassion for the less fortunate.  Last week, the paper ran a feature on mothers who are in jail.  It was harsh and difficult to read, especially when a woman admitted […]

Do Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents = Pornography?

Tonight some disturbing news from our good friend Dave over at 2 Political Junkies. It seems that the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh has categorized the Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents’ website as pornography and blocked access from their computers. OH MY! Seriously, pornography? I took a quick look at the online library policies which indicates that material […]

Catherine Specter should work for the Mt. Lebanon School District

This week Catherine Specter starts off strong with a well-phrased dose of withering advice for a woman manipulating her husband with a “did he notice my haircut?” test.  Nicely done.  Could I be wrong about Specter's Carrie Bradshaw ambitions? Not so much. In the next letter, a reader asks whether a lack of compliments from a […]

Mary Cheney – Republican Princess of Collusion

How could I not post this (Mike Tidmus blog)  

Rumor has it …

He's Back! Commence with the lesbian happy dance!

Russian Christians Partner with Skinheads on Gay Rights

Russian Christians Partner with Skinheads on Gay Rights

Here's a sad fact: Russian Orthdox Catholics are working in unity with skinheads to oppose gay rights. On Sunday police had to hold back a crowd of bottle-tossing skinheads and Bible- clutching church folks who were protesting a gay event at a local club. Not to be outdone by the Christian-Skinhead connection, Russian Muslims are […]