The Amendment Hearing – Reports from the Field

The Amendment Hearing – Reports from the Field

Having read both the article in the Post-Gazette and the one in the Tribune-Review, I must say I came away with a sort of “it all came out equal in the end” impression — namely, that it was a draw. That's not what folks in the LGBTQ community are saying. Reports from various sources tell […]

Even more on PA so called “Marriage Protection Amendment”

Even more on PA so called “Marriage Protection Amendment”

A lot to impart so bear with me. First, the hearing.  If you cannot attend, you can submit written testimony.  This comes from Sue Frietsche, Pittsburgh's Women's Law Project go-to-woman.  I am still trying to determine if you can email it.  Ledcat and I are working on a joint letter. It can be in letter […]

More on Thursday’s Hearing

More on Thursday’s Hearing

Word trickled out Sunday about the upcoming Pgh hearing on SB 1250 which would amend the constitution of PA to permanently ban gay marriage.  And other stuff, too.  But no one on the right is talking about the negative backlash for their families beyond the voo doo protection from homo marriage. I have had a […]

Pgh Public Hearing on SB 1250

Pgh Public Hearing on SB 1250

Courtesy of Steel City Stonewall Democrats comes this news. Value All Families – Keep Discrimination out of Our State Constitution! Please come to the public hearing in Pittsburgh on Thursday, April 10th and tell Pennsylvania Senate Members to vote NO on Senate Bill 1250. Senate Bill 1250 is a Constitutional Amendment which would ban gay […]

I was blacklisted by the City Paper

I was blacklisted by the City Paper

It is completely true.  My innocent little email was rejected by the Steel City Media cyber guardians.  I just wanted to ask Chris Potter a question.  Rest assured, Potter was on it once I made the call.  And once it became apparent that someone in marketing couldn't email her boyfriend … well, he was on […]

Pittsburgh Blog for Equality Day 2008 – a lesbian perspective

I've been wracking my brains all weekend for an approach to this day. You've read all the facts about the legislation attempting to amend the PA constitution to define marriage as between a man and a woman.  It has the potential to hurt a lot of people, gay and straight alike.  You've read all the […]

Letting the People Decide on Civil Rights .. Well, That’s Worked Out Well Hasn’t It?

Letting the People Decide on Civil Rights .. Well, That’s Worked Out Well Hasn’t It?

Michael Geer, President of the Pennsylvania Family Institute, is an ignorant pea brained jerk.  And that's me in a mellow mood.  The PG published his letter to the editor (and NOT mine).  He makes two points in response to the PG's editorial that the “marriage protection” amendment is unnecessary (and redundant) First, [t]he PG editors […]

Zen Buddhist Priest Opposes SB 1250

Zen Buddhist Priest Opposes SB 1250

Short, but sweet.  Have you written your letter to the editor, yet? Senate Bill 1250, the Pennsylvania Marriage Protection Amendment, is in direct violation of my religious beliefs as a Zen Buddhist priest (“Panel OKs Constitutional Ban on Gay Marriage,” March 19). I am a strong advocate of marriage and live under a strict ethical […]

PA Senate Judiciary Committee Votes OK on Anti-Gay Marriage Amendment

PA Senate Judiciary Committee Votes OK on Anti-Gay Marriage Amendment

Well, we lost this round.  Our local allies, Jay Costa and Wayne Fontana, voted no, but even with Republican Jane Earll they couldn't prevent the “marriage protection” amendment from being voted out of committee.  The legislation heads for the Appropriations Committee and then to the floor of the full Senate. Here's how the vote went down.  […]

“Marriage Protection Amendment” revitalized in PA Senate

“Marriage Protection Amendment” revitalized in PA Senate

It is back.  According to Equality Advocates, the legislation to start the constitutional amendment process roared back to life on Valentine's Day.  Just yesterday, SB 1250, the “Marriage Protection Amendment,” was published and referred to the Judiciary Committee in the Senate.  There are 17 co-sponsors, the same number as last time.  Four Republican Senators who […]