Hurrah for Marriage Equality in DC! #DC4M

Hurrah for Marriage Equality in DC! #DC4M

It is exhilerating that we could drive a mere 4 hours and get married, even if it would not be recognized in Pennsylvania. Congratulation to our advocates, allies and resident of Washington, DC on a truly historic day.  ps:  today is the first day that same sex couples can apply for marriage licenses. 

Holiday Shopping Advice from the Correspondents

Just a little hint.  If you are contemplating holiday purchases, two excellent local businesses that are owned by members of our community (and employ others) are worth your consideration.   A Pleasant Present is a great little gift store in Squirrel Hill. They sell a wide array of rainbow/pride merchandise and tons of other stuff.  […]

3 down, 47 to go … eh, maybe 46 and a half

3 down, 47 to go … eh, maybe 46 and a half

By now, you've probably read that gay marriage is legal in Connecticut.  Technically, the Supreme Court overturned a gay marriage ban.  This has been in my inbox for several days as I've pondered what I could possibly add to the debate. I'm part of a national LGBT blogging email list and my inbox has probably […]

Deliberative poll on same-sex marriage

Deliberative poll on same-sex marriage

The Post-Gazette's “Next Page” featured a fascinating article on the implementation of deliberative polling around marriage issues.  My interpretation of this process is that it strives to create an informed voter, rather than create systemic changing dialogue grounded in consensus.  At the core of deliberative polling lies the belief that to develop an informed opinion […]

Domestic Registry Passes First Hurdle

Domestic Registry Passes First Hurdle

As reported by the PG web-edition, City Council gave a thumbs up on the first vote for the domestic partner registry.  The lone naysayer was the Reverend Ricky Burgess.  Final vote will be next week.  No word on how the Mayor feels about all this registry stuff, but it appears veto proof at this stage of […]

PG reader sets the record straight on Sexual History 101

PG reader sets the record straight on Sexual History 101

Matthew Fusina of Franklin Park seems a little fed up. A little foray into the fascinating world of sexual history would reveal that our “[recently] corrupted society” has, in fact, been corrupt at least since the dawn of recorded history. Before Mr. Davis makes such broad historical generalizations in the future, I would encourage him […]

Breaking News: Shields and Kraus Propose City Domestic Partner Registry

Breaking News:  Shields and Kraus Propose City Domestic Partner Registry

Update:  The Pittsburgh City Paper's Melissa Meinzer and Chris Potter do a really good job with this story on the CP's website.  Good example of how web based media serves the CP readership.  And you.  I contacted Shields' office and encountered a reluctance to work with a blogger which was disappointing as I worked very […]

Another Pro Homo Letter to the Editor

Another Pro Homo Letter to the Editor

From Tuesday's Post-Gazette.  Always good to read a hit-the-nail-on-the-head letter. Like letter writer Kim Winbush (“Let's Keep Discrimination Out of the Pa. Constitution,” May 16), I too was happy to see the Pennsylvania Senate table the Marriage Protection Amendment. This brazen attempt to pander to the theocratic aims of the religious right must be opposed […]

California – Why We Cannot Rest On Their Laurels

California – Why We Cannot Rest On Their Laurels

What's good news for Californian queers may mean the battle over same-sex marriage heats up again in Pennsylvania as the anti-gay marriage amendment backers put on the pressure to revive that legislation. They argue that predictions of courts overruling state DOMA laws has come true and call the Pennsylvania House to gird their loins for […]

California Ban on Gay Marriage Struck Down

California Ban on Gay Marriage Struck Down

From The California Supreme Court struck down the state's ban on same-sex marriage Thursday, saying sexual orientation, like race or gender, “does not constitute a legitimate basis upon which to deny or withhold legal rights.” In a 4-3 120-page ruling issue, the justices wrote that “responsibly to care for and raise children does not […]