2 Political Junkies Call Out Santorum’s Family Value Hypocrisy

Today my good friend David over at 2 Political Junkies has an excellent skewer of Ricky Sanctimonious' <gasp> HYPOCRISY.  Apparently, Ricky is willing to support Republican Don Sherwood who acknowledged that he had a five year affair and settled a lawsuit with his lover after she accused him of choking her.  Ahem.  David does a […]

Russian Christians Partner with Skinheads on Gay Rights

Russian Christians Partner with Skinheads on Gay Rights

Here's a sad fact: Russian Orthdox Catholics are working in unity with skinheads to oppose gay rights. On Sunday police had to hold back a crowd of bottle-tossing skinheads and Bible- clutching church folks who were protesting a gay event at a local club. Not to be outdone by the Christian-Skinhead connection, Russian Muslims are […]

PA Amendment Vote Expected This Week

From the Center for Lesbian and Gay Civil Rights in Philadelphia… April 28, 2006 Constitutional Amendment Set to Run in PA House The House of Representatives is in session [the week of May1]and the bill is posted on the voting calendar. This means that a vote can occur at any time. The House Appropriations Committee […]

Hypocrites in right winger land

Hypocrites in right winger land

As a member of the female species and a feminist I have been paying attention to the furor in Mt. Lebanon. I have some friends who live in Mt. Lebanon and my grandfather lived there for many years. It's a nice place. Lately it has also provided a lesson in good ole fashion hypocrisy, one […]

City Paper – Marriage Amendment Could Hurt A Lot of Heterosexuals

City Paper – Marriage Amendment Could Hurt A Lot of Heterosexuals

We've said it before, but it bears repeating …. Metcalfe's Marriage Amendment could hurt tens of thousands of unmarried heterosexual couples.  The City Paper does a nice job with this. U.S. Census 2000 estimates there are roughly 240,000 Pennsylvania families — about 5 percent of the state’s 4.8 million households — made up of unmarried […]

Big Lesbian Welcome to Correspondent Shelly

Big Lesbian Welcome to Correspondent Shelly

Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents is pleased to welcome our newest correspondent Shelly. We’ve known Shelly for several years — she is very active in the local LGBT community. Her writing, you will find, is articulate, insightful and from a slightly different perspective than Ledcat and me. Three’s Company, too! Welcome aboard Shelly! Sue

A Reply to Rep. Daryl Metcalfe

A Reply to Rep. Daryl Metcalfe

Dear Mr. Metcalfe: Your information about the history of marriage is far from accurate. Marriage, as an institution, was first recorded less than 4400 years ago. It was first created as an economic institution: a way of insuring that a man's children were actually his and that his wealth, accumlated over generations, would pass onto […]

Update on PA Marriage Amendment

Update on PA Marriage Amendment

  From the PA-GALA website, an update on the PA marriage protection amendment … The Anti-Marriage Amendment (HB 2381) is on the Pennsylvania State House of Representatives Agenda for the week of Monday, April 24th!  A vote on the Amendment could be held anytime this week! PA-GALA needs you to contact your State Representative and ask him or her to oppose the Anti-Marriage Amendment. Ask your […]

Hurrah for Dana Elmendorf!

Hurrah for Dana Elmendorf!

Local gay advocate Dana Elmendorf asks Pennsylvania to consider why Darryl Metcalfe and his band of merry men are rushing the marriage protection amendment to the House floor?  This was in the PG. UPDATE  11:27 AM:  And this was in Friday's Tribune Review.  Good job Dana!

Do local politicans read the Post-Gazette?

By my count, the Post-Gazette has published 11 letters to the editor on the topic of the anti-gay marriage amendment making its way through the Pennsylvania House of Representatives.  Prior to these letters, the PG featured two op-ed pieces on the same topic.  The pro-amendment position came from sponsor, Darryl Metcalfe.  The anti-amendment position came from […]