From Dallas Voice – Mary Cheney and 2006

Read an amusing take from General Gayety columnist Leslie Robinson. Here's my favorite Mary Cheney: “I resolve to hold my partner’s hand in front of cameras. Even if I have to pretend I’m just helping her up.” Mary Cheney is not a good person.  I believe that Mary Cheney exploited the LGBT community for her […]

NYC Lesbian Becomes City Council Speaker

NYC Lesbian Becomes City Council Speaker

This GOOD news from   New York City) Christine Quinn has earned a double distinction, becoming the first woman and the first out lesbian to serve as the speaker of New York City Council. The Manhattan Democrat becomes the second most powerful person in city politics, after Republican Mayor Michael Bloomberg. Some of my friends […]

Resolutions – Looking Back

2003 was my resolution year.  Frustrated with feeling disconnected from the LGBT community, I resolved to try at least one new lesbian friendly activity each month.  In hindsight, I feel very proud of my resolve and continue to reap the benefits of the contacts I made during that year.  And, of course, that resolution led […]

Starting 2006 on the Left Paw

  Greetings from the official pet delegate of the Pittsburgh lesbian correspondents! 2005 was a year of change for Miss Mona.  I moved to a nice new home with a big back yard, soft blue couch and another person to tend to my every whim.  In the process, I acquired 4 more cats to deal […]

Family Tidings

Family Tidings

This morning we became aunties for the first time.  Laura's brother and his wife had a beautiful baby girl – Ava Grace.  We spent some time with them last night before they left for the hospital and were there this morning to welcome Ava to the world.  Well, Laura was there first as I was […]

KDKA – Pintek Out, McIntire In?

KDKA – Pintek Out, McIntire In?

Found this during my morning peruse of the Post-Gazette … Three of KDKA Radio's primary on-air hosts — Mike Pintek, Paul Alexander and Mike Romigh — have been let go in a staff shake-up. <snip> One possibility for the 8 p.m. to midnight shift previously held by Mr. Romigh is John McIntire. Mr. Clark said […]

Gay Bingo!

  The next gay bingo is coming up on January 7 2006.  This is a terrific activity for the whole family (in all senses of the term).  Benefits the GLCC and the Shepherd Wellness Community.  What's great about bingo is that not only is it a space that is safe and comfortable, but it is […]

The First Step is the Hardest

The First Step is the Hardest

A little over a year ago, I received the coveted title of “Unofficial Lesbian Correspondent” for a local liberal talk radio program.  While it mostly entailed double entendres and Santorum bashing, it did give me a heady sense of unearned power and unabashed self-promotion.  And I parlayed it into a one-time gig judging a costume […]

Mona on her throne.jpg

Brand New Test!

Brand New Test!

Big Test from Pittsburgh!