Guess whose back in all his self-loathing glory? Yes, that's right … Santorum's very own spokesfag, Robert Traynham. After licking his wounds with some of the soothing corporate money vis a vis his PR consulting work, Traynham has hitched his wagon to the potential Thompson campaign as a senior advisor.
Now it seems he's changed course and has signed on with actor and former Sen. Fred Thompson's campaign as a senior adviser.
It's a “shrewd move,” says Sharon Cobb…
who notes Traynham brings strong qualifications to the campaign plus hiring the openly gay man could help win support of moderate Republicans.
Just two short years ago, blogactive's Michael Rogers outed Traynham as a closeted gay man working for Santorum. Here at Lesbian Central we choked on the hypocrisy of that match.
Apparently, Traynham needs to whomp on his fellow homos a bit more. Thompson on gay issues? Hate Crimes – voted “No” twice. Defense of Marriage Act – voted “Yes.” ENDA – voted “No.”
As Rogers puts it “At least Robert will feel right at home.”
Great. Check out our previous posts on the derring do of our favorite spokesfag.
Fred Thompson has said more than once that the states should decide the issue of civil unions. Still think he's a hater?
That's not a gay-positive position. Leaving civil rights issues for states to decide didn't work so very well for the African-American community did it?
At best, Thompson is passing the buck to avoid making a public commitment for or against civil unions and gay marriage.
I'm sorry … but here we go. Is “fag” another one of those double-standard words? Can't you imagine how annoying that is?
Yes, it is. To be frank, I'm not concerned if it annoys you.
Don't be sorry. Use your white, male, heterosexual privilege to create a more just society with full civil rights for all citizens.
And, please, no lectures about alienating my allies or reverse discrimination. If you can't get past my using the term fag, then you shouldn't be reading this blog.
Oh, I don't mind your using the word. I just don't see how you can fault us straights for using it when you make it sound so cool.
Yes, it is quite the conundrum. There's nothing so cool as being able to use words such as fag and dyke with impunity. Fret not, for we did save the best word for you straight types … homo-sex-ual. It is all the rage in the heterosexual community. Plus, it still keeps your site rated PG (or even G!).
Yes, four syllables! Thank you! That's almost as much fun to say as the septosyllabic African-American!
What we have here is an excuse to periodically express rage, and to scold those you resent, for its own sake. It is especially trumped up in your case, because “f**” or “f*****” were never even considered taboos, before “n******” evolved into a great taboo, and you just wanted in on the action.
What we need, IMHO, is things that are helpful. More ways to be divisive, and more excuses to yell at one another, are not helpful.
Well, I can see the helpfulness of scolding the gay people for having “rage,” especially with the side dish of co-opting African-American rage. And how dare us “resent” white straight male privilege. Why, that's not going to sovle anything! Silly faggots and dykes, what are we thinking?
Never suggested you shouldn't have rage or resentment. Just making a plea that it should be channeled in a less silly and capricious manner.
Again, unless of course you really ARE offended by those words, in which case, please don't use them. We in the Tribe have never gone around calling each other kikes, hebes, or heimes, because we don't want to create the impression in anybody's minds that its ok.
Sorry, I need some acronym help here. What is ENDA? For an ex-Navy guy, I'm astonishingly bad at recognizing acronyms.