Do You Have a #ProtectTransKids Yard Sign or Stickers?

Protect Trans Kids signs

This week, we placed another order for the #ProtectTransKids yard signs – that’s officially 1000 signs. Over 800 have been requested with more requests pouring in every day – here’s the link if you want to get on that list now. We’ve distributed 1300 out of 2500 stickers. People are putting them on water bottles, […]

Open Letter to Pittsburgh On-Air Radio Talent From Father of Black Trans Teen

Protect Trans Kids

Sean O’Donnell and his family have had a rough year coping with a transphobic neighbor’s harassment. They’ve responded by holding her accountable in multiple courts of law and by supporting the #ProtectTransKids projects. Hearing the transphobic ad airing in Pittsburgh’s media market is a step too far. After he learned that the staff at KISS […]

Sue’s Birthday Fundraiser for Pittsburgh LGBTQ Charities and #ProtectTransKids

October 22, 2022 will be my 52nd birthday. It is also the 1st ‘birthday’ of Pittsburgh LGBTQ Charities, a 501c3 I founded to serve the community. It was pretty cool that the Department of State recognized us on that date. For my birthday this year, I’m asking for donations to Pittsburgh LGBTQ Charities. PLC is […]

Warning: Pittsburgh Radio Stations Airing Vicious Anti-Trans Ad

CN: transphobia, poor science, lies, radio stations Last week, word spread on Facebook that some of our beloved local radio stations were airing a vicious transphobic spot. Some attach disclaimers, others do not. The stations that others have identified to me include WDVE 102.5, WAMO 107.3, WISH 99.7, WKST 96.1, WLTJ 92.9, and WDSY 108 […]

“Let Their Light Shine On …” Candle Raffle for #PTK – 2022

Memorial for Trans folx

Let their light shine on … As part of our presence at Netroots Nation conference, Pittsburgh LGBTQ Charities set up a memorial to honor the lives and mourn the deaths of our trans neighbors. We wanted to be sure their experiences, including the terror campaign claiming their lives, was part of the conversation about LGBTQ+ […]

How to Help

Hey! We have a lot going on right now. Most people do one thing at a time, but we aren’t most people. We exist in a world that is complex, nuanced, and filled with priorities clamoring for our attention. Pittsburgh LGBTQ Charities (PLC) has multiple programs PLC is registered with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and […]

Just To Be The Ally Who Raised $1000 To Lay Down at Your Door

Da da da (da da da)Da da da (da da da)Da Da Da Dun Diddle Un Diddle Un Diddle Uh Da Da My nickname for the group of queer and trans youth who developed the #ProtectTransKidsDay proclamation is “The Proclaimers” Already unhappy that trans kids reported (too) much misgendering and deadnaming in healthcare settings, they […]

Pittsburgh Celebrates First ‘Protect Trans Kids Day’ With Proclamation

Protect Trans Kids Day Pittsburgh

“To be properly recognized by the city is essentially a beautiful moment for me knowing that it’s a stepping stone for kids to not ever have to feel how I felt or how other kids around me kind of felt like growing up,” they said. “No one was teaching or sharing trans joy around me […]

Press Release: City Council Proclaims September 12 to be ‘Protect Trans Kids Day’ in Pittsburgh

Responding to community organizing after the harassment of a local teen, Pittsburgh City Council unanimously declares Monday Sept 12 the FIRST “Protect Trans Kids” in the city of Pittsburgh. The proclamation was drafted and directed by a group of local transgender teens.  The project was launched by a group of teens with City Councilor Bobby […]

September 12, 2022 is Officially Protect Trans Kids Day in the City of Pittsburgh

On Monday, September 12, 2022, the City of Pittsburgh will recognize the first ‘Protect Trans Kids Day’ via a City Council Proclamation drafted and directed by a group of local transgender teenagers.  City Councilor Bobby Wilson initiated the proclamation and was joined unanimously by all other current council members. Wilson’s district saw the launch of […]