DNC: Don't talk about the Homos and Maybe They'll Go Away

DNC:  Don't talk about the Homos and Maybe They'll Go Away

The DNC's Annual Grassroots Report was released last week.  Not a single mention of the LGBTQ community.  Nada.  Howard Dean eliminates the gay outreach post, then wonders why people are upset …. and now this …. So what's happening in the Pennsylvania/Pittsburgh LGBT democratic wing ….You tell me.  Here's what BlogActive and LGBT political activist […]

LGBT activists "call out" Stonewall response to DNC

LGBT activists "call out" Stonewall response to DNC

 From Blogactive.com Not to stand silently by as the party trashes gays and lesbians, Stonewall Democrats have issued a statement about Howard Dean's insensitivity to the gay and lesbian community and condemning his actions totally kissing Howard Dean's ass: From keithboykin.com the DNC eliminated the GLBT outreach office but is keeping the GLBT fundraising office. […]

A Slippery Slope to Hate: Gay Bar Murderer Snared in Arkansas

I would be remiss not to comment on the gay bar rampage in Massachusetts.  Last night, the murderous Jacob Robida was captured in Arkansas after killing his female passenger and a cop. (365gay.com) Robida targets gays armed with a hatchet and a gun.  People are asking why and scrambling to link his neo-Nazi fetish with his apparent homophobia.  Wake up […]

PA Rep Mike Diven: Homohater AND Illiterate?

It seemed like such a simple request.  She wrote to The Honorable Mike Diven, Republican member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives.  Her mission?  To ascertain how Diven would vote on the proposed anti-gay marriage amendment to the Pennsylvania Constitution. What Diven offered in response is a testament to why the Democrats should be able […]

Political Dissent Not Appropriate at SOTU; Women in Tee Shirts Shake Up Capitol

Political Dissent Not Appropriate at SOTU; Women in Tee Shirts Shake Up Capitol

Even while acknowledging that wearing a tee shirt to the SOTU is NOT a criminal offense, the US Capitol Police's actions have once again highlighted the egregious “no dissent” policies of this administration.  From CNN.com Anti-war protester Cindy Sheehan wore a shirt with the message “2,245 Dead. How many more?” — a reference to the […]

BlogActive.com Ramps Up the Culture War

BlogActive.com Ramps Up the Culture War

GLBT activist Mike Rogers has significantly ramped up the gay response to the culture wars with this latest posting on blogactive.com   I fully support Mike's tactics of outing the closeted hypocrites whose actions harm our community. It is not a popular opinion, but a world in which a black gay man can openly toil for […]

PG Condemns Anti-Gay Amendment

PG Condemns Anti-Gay Amendment

This commonwealth doesn't need to write bigotry into its constitution in the name of misplaced morality. This morning the Post-Gazette editors condemn the bill introduced in the PA House of Representatives that would amend the constitution to “protect marriage.”  The PG notes that the amendment's impace reaches far beyond the queer community, threatening unmarried heterosexual […]

Missy Hart Challengers Line Up Their Luminaries

Missy Hart Challengers Line Up Their Luminaries

From the Post-Gazette, we discover that “the Democrats' would-be challengers to Rep. Melissa Hart, R-Bradford Woods, are jockeying for the endorsements of party luminaries.” That's Melissa Hart who toes the homo-hating Republican line, amendment and all.   Melissa Hart who has an openly gay man working as her press secretary.  Blogactive.com had the story this past fall.  […]

Why do these Western PA Democrats Hate Unmarried Heterosexuals?

Here's the list of Western PA State Representatives who have signed on as co-sponsors of the anti-gay marriage amendment.  Legislators who think that this is a valuable use of their time, time not spent on your economy or your property taxes or your health care.  Time not spent funding road repair, public transportation or workplace […]

State Rep. Dan Frankel – A Homo's Best Friend

Pennsylvania State Representative Dan Frankel (D- Allegheny) released a statement on the proposed state constitutional amendment.  Frankel is a long time LGBT ally and, unlike several of his colleagues, recognizes that there are greater threats to Pennsylvania's families than homosexuals.  Things like the economy, property tax reform, education, healthy care and so forth. You tell […]