This from ….
(Boston, Massachusetts) “I don’t want to alarm you, but was your signature stolen?” That is the beginning of an automated telephone message that is going out to thousands of homes throughout Massachusetts.
The calls to 10,000 people, along with letters to another 14,000, warn that they may have unwittingly signed petitions calling for a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage.
It appears that residents thought they were signing a petition to allow the sale of wine in grocery stores. In some cases, they were told to sign a “back up” petition.
Leaving aside the issue of why people sign without reading …
This deception illustrates why the so called cultural war is shifting away from the dark side. Massachusettes clearly does not want to ban gay marriage. Massachusettes residents do not buy into the hate rhetoric spewed by these so called people of faith. There is no groundswell of opposition to the gay lifestyle.
Let's see … lies, deception, forgery, fraud …. how is this reflective of a Christian lifestyle?