We Need a Drop Trap Kit to Help Two of the Fort Faulsey Cats Get Veterinary Care

Two of the Fort Faulsey cats need to be trapped and see a vet. Both have visible wounds on their ears. They probably need antibiotics, updated vaccines, maybe steroids. First is Pretty Girl, age 5, female, spayed. Second is Mx Pajamas, age unknown but at least 7, female, spayed. Neither is social, so we can’t […]

And Our Neighbors Showed Up to Set Up the (back)YardSale

17 Reasons to Stop By the (back)YardSale on Saturday

POSTPONED (back) Yard Sale Reschedule to Saturday September 14, 10-12. Why Brawl in the Backyard When You Can Shop?

backyard brawl

Still Seeks Donations of Household Goods and Pet Items The (back)Yard Sale is now unofficially tied to one of college football’s most famous rivalry – Pitt v WVU in what’s known as the Backyard Brawl. Both take place on Saturday, September 14, 2024. The yard sale is 10-12, leaving plenty of time to tailgate for […]

Did You Know That Our (back)Yard Sale Needs Volunteers Thurs-Sat?

Volunteer Opportunities to Help Animals

Urgent, Urgent, Urgent. We’ve only had one volunteer and that’s not going to be enough to pull this off. Items Needed Please help.

Give Your Back(YardSale) a Good Scratch! Throw in a Pedicure.

Grooming tools are a great tool to donate to (back)YardSale to benefit #PghCatFolx … most are easy to sanitize, small, and very important for pet health. Pictured are flea combs, brushes, nail trimmers, shaver, a portable grooming setup, and a scratchy arch toy. Pretty girl took down the arch into her bed and grooms herself […]

Now, Count Down to the #BackYardSale by Prepping the Yard, Renting Uhaul Truck. Plus, We Need Towels.

The clock is still ticking for the (back)YardSale on Sat Sept 7, 2024 in Manchester.  Seven days to go. We started prepping the backyard today. Fair warning. It is a backyard carved from collapsed row houses so uneven terrain. We also decided to rent a Uhaul truck to store donations. Your generosity overfloweth. Yesterday we […]

It Takes Your Borrowed Extension Cords, Portable Tables, and Parking Cones to Make Our BackYard Sale Run

The clock is ticking for the (back)YardSale on Sat Sept 7, 2024 in Manchester Everything got delayed when we found a bedraggled cat on Faulsey Way. Turns out she’s 16 years old and weighs 4 lbs!  She’s now in Marie’s bathroom after a vet visit that cost $430. Once her bloodwork comes back, we’ll try to find […]

Countdown to the #BackYardSale: Go Back To Bed!

where to donate cat beds

Next on our list of items for (back)YardSale to benefit #PghCatFolx are cat beds. A bed is a very personal item to pass along. I find it very hard. But important. Lots of sizes and styles, some modeled here. Beds can be especially comfy for sick or injured cats, litters of foster kittens, aging animals, […]