She’s My Partner, Not My Sidekick

Pittsburgh Lesbian LGBT

One disadvantage to blogging is that I get “the glory” while Laura (Ledcat) often gets overlooked. And when I get the beat down side of a stick, she gets that, too. Unfair. Let me be clear – we are a family, a team, a partnership even if we are not married. She goes to work […]

Mr. Rogers Was My Hero

When you were five years old, who was your hero? What do you think of that person today? My hero at the tender age of five was Mr. Fred Rogers. I started kindergarten at 4, turning 5 in late October. According to my mother, I would rush home from my half-day of education to flop […]

Peer Pressure Creates Important Conversation in the Queer Community

Pittsburgh LGBT

Can peer pressure be positive? Why or why not? Yes, being pressured toward healthy and positive behavior can be positive. Positive is offering encouragement when someone shares their fitness activities. Positive is not posting your own amazing story in the comments section as encouragement. Positive is a gentle nudge, a reminder, a supportive voice and […]

Rainbows on Cupcakes and Pressure on Peers

Pittsburgh Blog

Tell us about a time when you didn’t bend to peer pressure, and you swam against the stream. AND Write about anything you’d like, but make sure that all seven colors of the rainbow — red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet — make an appearance in the post, either through word or image. Hello. My […]


Lesbian Blogging

Is it possible to be too honest, or is honesty always the best policy? Being honest with yourself is a good idea, but …

Five Reasons I Dislike Making Resolutions

Manic Pixie Dream girl

What are you currently feeling pressure to do that you don’t particularly enjoy? Make resolutions. Or pick a theme, a brand, a style, a personal hashtag. There are several reasons I don’t enjoy this. First, people beat themselves up – they are too fat, too out of shape, too pessimistic, too lazy – during much […]

In 2014, I Plan to Spend Time With A Lot of White Straight Men

Sue Kerr Bill Peduto

When you look back at your blog on January 2, 2015, what would you like to see? My exclusive interview with Executive Editor of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette David Shribman about language, media and style guides. Follow up on the investigations into the assault of two queer women of color at Margaritaville, two queer white men […]

If I Were a Mystical Being …

You have been transformed into a mystical being who has the ability to do magic. Describe your new abilities in detail. How will you use your new skills? Oh, this is an easy one. I would use my power like any sensible person – to do the housework and other chores.   OK, seriously, (I […]

How To Do Less With Less

Gary Vaynerchuk

The Prompt: What do you want to do less of in 2014? I’m striving for relentlessly upbeat here. First, drive less. In 2013, I put less than 500 miles on my personal car. Granted, we put a lot of miles on Laura’s vehicle, but overall I drove a lot less. How I will accomplish this will […]

It’s the terror of knowing What this world is about

Lesbian Blogging

My blogging during September was erratic, in part due to being depressed and physically sick. So I decided to give NaBloPoMo a try in October – National Blog Post Month is hosted monthly by BlogHer to encourage frequent blogging. I tried it last year and it went well so I figured it would be helpful. […]