If I Were a Mystical Being …

You have been transformed into a mystical being who has the ability to do magic. Describe your new abilities in detail. How will you use your new skills?

Oh, this is an easy one. I would use my power like any sensible person – to do the housework and other chores.


OK, seriously, (I think?) I would select the power to read minds and cast spells. Actually, I need to be all powerful for this and why not – it is my answer.

How would I use this power? I would cast a spell to permit politicians and candidates and their staff/volunteers to only speak the truth. I won’t control what they say beyond forbidding them to speak a lie or a half-truth.

Freedom of Speech
Speak No Evil

For example, a person could not say “My Fellow Americans” if they perceived some people not to be real Americans because of their immigration status or ties to other cultures. They could not state “I support religious freedom” if that only applies to Christianity.  They could not state “Our team is examining that issue” if they’ve already reached a decision. They could not say “This is not about race” pretty much ever.

They can speak their own truth as long as they are being accurate. And this accuracy will create fairness because Pennsylvanians will have access to truthful information.

No fake kissing or terms of endearment. No promises to have coffee or lunch. No lies about donations or ties to donors. No denying their privilege.

I would go to campaign events, fundraisers and speeches. I would be in Harrisburg. I would sit in City Council meetings. I would be in the live audience at debates. I’d be in the pews when an elected official speaks in their role as a Deacon. I’d start in Southwestern Pennsylvania and move outward.

This would probably just result in more silence, less wordiness. And that might give everyone time to think about the words that they do hear.

Bitstrip Sue is a mystical creature right?





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