I haven’t felt well all week, mostly gastro symptoms that I chalked up an unexpectedly spicy Thai food delivery. But I had a headache, too.
Friday, we had to make deliveries of face masks to be packed for delivery, so a lot of running around. I was tired. We heated up leftovers for dinner and I went to bed early.
Saturday, we had to take foster kitten for bloodwork and traffic was terrible. It will take two weeks for results. We ordered Thai soup, watched episode 2 of Ratched that freaked me out, and went to bed early. My ear was aching.
Today, Sunday, I plain feel miserable. My throat is sore, both ears hurt, sinuses hurt, chest is tight. In usual times, I’d say sinus infection or maybe ear infection.
In ususal times on a Sunday, I would have gone to MedExpress to get checked and potentially start antibiotics.
My experiences with AHN lab procedures do not give me comfort about any third party medical venue.
But these ain’t usual times. So I’ll wait to hear from my doctor about what to do. I spent most of the day trying to sleep, taking OTC meds, and monitoring my symptoms. I drank fluids, ate soup, and took hours to write this post.
I did not expect to feel this level of fear and anxiety over symptoms that could be usual. I don’t want a nasal test, I don’t want to wait 7 months for results, and I mostly don’t want COVID-19.
Do I isolate? Does Laura isolate too? How can I not know this? What about the mask project? Our cats? Groceries? Antney’s ice cream closes on Friday. We don’t have much soup.
Maybe it’s nothing. Some amoxycillin and fluids and I’ll be fine. I’ve been careful. We wear masks and sanitize. We don’t have much contact with people. There’s no reason to panic.
How can they not have an ear drop to adjust for pressure? My faithful companions
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