Covid Chronicles – WTF?

This is seriously horrible. Laura was exposed on Friday morning and sick Sunday evening. She’s feeling cruddy, but okay enough. I started to have symptoms on Tuesday and each day have been progressively worse. If this is mild, I’ll eat my hat. But it will taste odd so not so much. I have been running […]

On Day 202, I’m sick

I haven’t felt well all week, mostly gastro symptoms that I chalked up an unexpectedly spicy Thai food delivery. But I had a headache, too. Friday, we had to make deliveries of face masks to be packed for delivery, so a lot of running around. I was tired. We heated up leftovers for dinner and […]

Are Lesbians a Little Too Tart?

Did you feel a lot of pressure with January’s NaBloPoMo? As I wrap up my fourth month of continuous daily blogging, I have to admit that January was a pressure month.  A few times, I felt pressured to come up with something – anything – to write about on my blog. Other days, the ideas […]