Liz Navratil and Angela Couloumbis at the Post-Gazette have a wrap-up of the calls for State Representative Daryl Metcalfe to be held accountable for his homophobic rant this week. The party is called to demote him and he is called to step down. Don’t hold your breath.
Ryan Deto at the City Paper has his own take on this issue.
The Butler Eagle reports that Daryl Metcalfe states his outburst was planned.
Also from the Post-Gazette, Chris Potter write about the Human Rights Campaign calling out Republican Gubneratorial candidate Paul Mango for his creed ““Faith, Family, and Pennsylvania Values,” which threatens to take us down the same road as North Carolina.
Oren Spiegler published a letter to the editor in the Observer-Reporter calling out President Trump for his support of pedophile and serial sexual predator Roy Moore, specifically mentioning Trump’s anti-gay stance.
Sean’s Big Gay Blog based in Pittsburgh wrote this reflection on when the urge to create perfect Christmas moments clashes with the realities of your kids actual experiences.
WESA covered an initiative we haven’t yet mentioned – Drag Queen Story Hour at the Northside Carnegie Library with Akasha Lestat Van-Cartier.