This semi-regular feature compiles some links from around the region on LGBTQ themes. It is important to read the information and to pay attention to what your local media is sharing around LGBTQ topics.
Here we go … fair warning, that I am not linking the Pridefest stories. Also, not linking to stories about decals on police cruisers. You saw those. Did you see these?
The Trib explored LGBTQ life in Westmoreland County
Palisade Playhouse in Greenfield ended up canceling a play because of homophobic interference with the casting of a gay dad couple. They allegedly also changed the lyrics to ‘Annie’ – sigh. This Post-Gazette piece from 2016 gives more insight into the low-level Christian insinuation into the community going on here. That never gets old. Seriously, let’s meet at Big Jim’s for a beer and do some gay caroling in Greenfield, people. KDKA also covered the story.
The Pittsburgh Courier profiled Project Silk, an organization serving QTPOC youth.
Nick Bilotto of Downtown penned a letter to the editor of the Post-Gazette critiquing their published editorial on the SCOTUS wedding cake decision. Go, Nick!
WESA explored this topic: Challenges remain for transgender jobseekers, more businesses are reaching out to the trans community
The Pitt News took a look at the on-campus LGBTQ comedy scene.
Also, the Pitts News profiled the only openly gay boxer in America.
The City Paper looked at Top 5 Queer Coded TV Shows/Cartoons
The Observer-Reporter ran an editorial on why public accommodations should include the entire public.
They also did a lovely tribute to Kathy McCully Cameron, a leader in the Washington County GSA community.
KDKA for some reason decided Jon Delano was the person to cover the use of a Snapchat filter and talked primarily to a cis het woman about her opinions. Also, the station used this sentence “Users are able to post a photo to their stories with a gay pride rainbow, the words “I AM A BIG GAY” and then the four letter word for homosexual.” Without irony. I just want to forget about this whole story. Note to self: explain to niblings why this filter is not appropriate for them to use.
The Beaver County Times published an AP piece on LGBTQ issues in Poland – Gay pride parade turnout defies conservative times in Poland
In a terrible incident, a local gay man was murdered by his roommate. This link has graphic details.
The New York Times shared this essay from Mikael Owunna a Nigerian-Swedish photographer raised in Pittsburgh. His work imagines new realities for marginalized communities around the world.
WESA and NEXT Pittsburgh explore the art and activism of Melanie Carter, including a “journey through my world, as a formerly incarcerated, bisexual, Muslim activist artist.”
This is fantastic – Documentary film about transgender youth living in rural Pa., selected for film festival.
Read this and 800 million stories about Billy Porter’s work in the new series Pose on FX. Read them all, you won’t regret it.
The Courier also published a piece on AIDS Free Pittsburgh.
A Pittsburgh based attorney, Allison Sizemore, Partner, Reed Smith, was recognized in part for her pro bono work supporting name changes for members of the trans community.
WESA spotlighted the Ladyfest Music Festival featuring some premiere queer female performers.
The Tribune Review took an in-depth look as how Allegheny County is failing to prevent sexual assaults of female inmates by guards. It is pretty disgusting how lackadaisical the county’s response is to what they consider a non-problem. The union representing the guards is just as bad. There’s a reference in this piece specifically to how trans women experience these issues.
A San Francisco based librarian talks about the impact their Jewish, Squirrel Hill grandparents had on their work as a librarian and an activist.
This list is not comprehensive, but does offer insight into the depth and breadth of coverage of our community. Please feel free to submit a link you want us to include in a future edition of this feature pghlesbian at gmail dot com