We don’t maintain a traditional blogroll on this here site. Have you seen the right column? It is packed with information – its the proverbial junk drawer in this kitchen. So every once in awhile, I like to post about queer and trans blogs your should know about.
In no particular order
The Feminization of Madness – a tumblr hosted blog by a local bi/pan/poly neurodivergent writer, this blog explores a lot of ground and inserts some very thought provoking queer analysis. I don’t agree with them on everything, but I appreciate the opportunity to consider their point of view.
DWarren57’s Blog – a wordpress blog managed by a local gay man living in a rural community, this site often tackles issues around Asperger’s and autism. I find his writing thought provoking and engaging. Sometimes, I’m pretty amazed by our similar life experiences.
West Philly Mama – this intersectional blog explores life through the vantage of a queer latina mom. She’s documenting her family life as well as general observations about life in West Philadelphia. A very engaging read especially for other queer parents.
janitorqueer – i’ve been reading this fascinating blog for about a year. part discourse on the bloggers transition, part analysis of the political structures of workplaces and the spaces we navigate daily.
LGBTQ Elder Initiative – this is very Philly focused, but they often post more generalized information about aging and our community elders. It is a good example of what could exist in Pittsburgh through our own elder supports.
PHILLesbian – sadly, the authors aren’t able to keep this updated as much as they (and I) would like. But its a sassy informative blog that I would definitely check out if I was Philly bound.
Sean’s Big Gay Blog – this is relatively new to me, a blog written by a local gay dad who explores issues dear to my heart like foster care.
alissadavisblog: a journey through genderland – ali explores life as a trans woman living in rural Pennsylvania. Her raw and humorous exposure of her day to day experiences are a gift for anyone who has wanted to better understand gender identity.
Thomas C. Waters blog – continues to offer insightful analysis of LGBTQ politics and culture. This is a must read.
If there are other LGBTQ blogs that should be on this list, please leave a link in the comments.