This Q&A series focuses on artists contributing to the #ArtisticVisionPgh project cosponsored byMost Wanted Fine Art and Penn Avenue Eyewear. This edition feature an old friend of this blog, Davon Magwood who is lending his comedic art to the auction event.

Name: Davon Magwood
Twitter: @davonmagwood
How old were you when you first had to wear glasses? This year 27, I thought for a long time lights were supposed to be blurry.
How old were you when you had to pay for the glasses you wear? 26. Totally sucks.
Have you ever had to “fix” your own glasses with tape, string, glue, etc? Yup. Using not my frames currently.
Tell me about a character in literature, film, television or other pop culture who wore glasses and how that resonated with you for good or for bad. Urkel. He is only attractive when he’s not wearing glasses.
Describe your relationship with your glasses now. I enjoy not being blind.
There’s a pervasive stigma about wearing glasses for young and old, but an equally pervasive idea that glasses indicate intelligence (or hipness.) Explain that duality. Idk. Its cool that poor eyesight is hip now. Girls love guys with sucky eye sight as long as their glasses are hip.
Can you describe how the cost of vision health services has had a negative impact on your life? Oh, I’m poor. I love my craft, not a huge money-maker at times so sometimes I do without. More time than not.
Tell me about your work for this exhibit. I’m the adorable host.
How can readers learn more about your work? Ask.
Thanks, Davon.

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