Daily Dose of Critter Cam: March 19, 2020

Pittsburgh Cats and Dogs

These are difficult times. Our crew wants to help so I’m going to try to regularly post brief video snippets from the assorted four-footed residents of our house including our pets, fosters, the ferals, our dog, and occasional guests. This clip features one of our feral cats, Oksana (or Oxsana.) He’s been with us for […]

Daily Dose of Critter Cam: March 17, 2020

Pittsburgh Cats and Dogs

These are difficult times. Our crew wants to help so I’m going to try to regularly post brief video snippets from the assorted four-footed residents of our house including our pets, fosters, the ferals, our dog, and occasional guests. Today’s video clip features Maisel and Kinzua wrestling on the sofa.

Daily Dose of Critter Cam: March 16, 2020 #PghCatLadies

Pittsburgh Cats and Dogs

These are difficult times. Our crew wants to help so I’m going to try to regularly post brief video snippets from the assorted four-footed residents of our house including our pets, fosters, the ferals, our dog, and occasional guests. This clip features our two littlest kittens, Maisel and Lennon, who are available for adoption through […]

Remembering Simon on this National Cat Day

It was a blustery, dark night in December 2002 when I left the domestic violence agency where I was a volunteer. I fumbled for my keys and almost ignored the plaintive sound. A few minutes later, the plaintive soundee was wrapped around my ankles, meowing loudly, and demanding my immediate attention. He was a scrawny […]

I have Cat Scratch Disease and I’m not even kitten

Cat Scratch Fever

I didn’t see this coming – apparently, I have a lymph node infection traced to cat scratch disease. Yep, what we often call cat scratch fever.  I have Ted Nugent disease and this does not make me happy. It started for me on Monday when I realized I had a headache that wouldn’t quit and […]

What Will Happen to Jennie Jane?

Jennie Jane has recovered from her spay surgery. She’s ready to be released. For the time being, she’s being housed by a temporary foster home. That person reports that JJ is eating, using the litter pan, and not showing aggression when those items are changed out by human hands. But she’s cowering in the crate […]

Meet the Zodiac Sisters, 3 Adoptable Kittens #PghCatLadies

Kittens for Adoption Pittsburgh

Meet the Zodiac Sisters – Gemini, Libra, and Virgo They were born outside (homeless) and were rescued by their foster mom. They are a little bashful, but sweet and friendly. They are about 9 months old. They can be adopted separately or together, but please note they prefer homes without children. This is part of […]

Slight Name Change, Still Lots of Cats and Cat Ladies – Meet Jewel! #PghCatLadies

Collage of Adoptable Cat Jewel

Last week, we launched a new feature promoting an adoptable cat from Pittsburgh C.A.T. the organization that is helping us with our #kittencaboodle of five kittens. That feature has been slightly revised – it is a work in progress. I am now calling it Pgh Cat Ladies and that will cover many facets of our actual […]

Kitten! Kitten! Who has a kitten?

One of our semi-regular visitors has been Jenny Jane, a young tigerstriped female. We were discussing if she was preggers or not. Turns out, she was. And it turns out she successfully evaded the last local push to TNR in our blocks, successful because she is caring for at least three kittens who are about […]

Update on the Cat Food Drive: Part One

Cat Food Drive Pittsburgh

So our launch was a little rocky thanks to some shenanigans involving my webservers. I hope that’s been addressed, but just in case – I’ve created a FB event and will do my best to update both on a regular basis. A big shipment was donated via the Amazon wishlist and has already been distributed […]