Celebrating National Love Your Pet Day Lesbian Style

National Love My Pet Day

If you are connected with me on FB, Twitter, or Instagram – you know I love to share my pet photos. Our crew currently consists of 13 year old Ana the Chihuahua mix, 18 year old Simon the long haired black cat, 10 year old Coco our Siamese girl and 10 year old Precious, our […]

Further Adventures in Being Cat Ladies: Part Deux

When we last visited with our dynamic feline duo, Maylee and Mamma Mia, they had recently been reunited in our second bedroom after a seven week separation. Reunification went a little more quickly than we planned when Mamma Mia escaped our crate, dashed about the room, and landed under the red chair where Maylee had […]

Our Cat Has Pancreatic Cancer and Three Months to Live #NaBloPoMo

Emberly came to live with us in late September 2015. He had been living on the streets near a friend’s home in Brighton Heights. My original thought was that we would take him to the shelter when it was open, but a night in our bathroom was better than another night on the streets. Then […]

Happy Sixth Preciousversary

  Our sweet and grumpy tabby cat, Precious, joined our family six years ago on this date. She spent several months living in the attic; it took an entire year for her to feel safe jumping onto our lap of her own accord. Now she is stretched out on the floor in the kitchen like […]

The Saturday Pet Situation

Pittsburgh cats

The Saturday Pet Situation

Lesbian Cats

Good Mornings With Milk Bones

Dog treats are an age-old dilemma. We have a nearly-14-year-old shepherd mix (Xander) struggling to maintain his weight and a little bit of activity and we also have a 8-year-old chihuahua mix who needs to drop some weight because she’s been living the retired older doggie lifestyle of late. We use a combination of premade […]

Coco Pawsitively Loves The GLCC

It Is A Cocoversary!

Post by Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents.

Guest Blog Post by Precious and Coco (Kitty Cats): How To Be The Perfect Cat Person

Cat Perfection

Perfection? No, no no. Purrfection should be the goal. If you achieve purrfection, we will reward you by purring in your arms or on your lap. First, we want fed or we want access to food. If you don’t put the food dishes on the floor quickly enough in the morning, you get one warning […]