The Anxious Life: Part One

This morning, I woke up to hear one of the cats crying and I immediately thought ” He’s dying” and leapt out of bed to race down the stairs. Of course, Boris was fine, just hungry and a little grumpy. Boris is 20 and tough as nails for a 5 lb scrappy cat whose only […]

A little update about asthma

It has been a tough month. I had a virus aka flu-like thing that wiped me out for days and landed me on a course of prednisone for my asthma. Not being able to breath sucks. Wheezing continuously sucks. Realizing your usual course of meds aren’t working sucks. While pred is a wonder drug for […]

Five Reasons I Am Proud of Myself This Week

Apple Pie

It has been a difficult month for me. Let’s just leave it at this – some very unpleasant ‘stuff’ from my childhood has been stirred up and I’ve been struggling to respond appropriately. At the same time, the crazy weather has my asthma in full assault mode so I’m having to take medication to breathe […]

Chronicles of Traveling

Hello from downtown Riverside, California. We arrived Saturday afternoon for a week-long sojourn in Southern California. Laura has a work related conference from Sun- Thurs and we tacked on a few days for some fun. I’ve never been to California before and I’ve never had a glimpse of the Pacific Ocean either, so this is […]

The Ritual of Our Morning Commute

Daily Blogging Prompt

Think about your day. Select one of your daily rituals and explain it to us: why do you do what you do? How did you come to adopt this ritual? What happens on days when you can’t perform it? There are so many rituals that I want to have, but not many that I consistently […]

This Is Spring Depression

Depression Anxiety

March has been a pretty good month in our household. The critters are all doing well in terms of their health and quality of life, something that we value with 3 very elderly animals. We’ve had some fun and exciting experiences socially. Both of our work lives have been fine. I heard that a grant […]

That One Time At The Dyke March

Pittsburgh Pride

So one year, I was asked to speak at the Dyke March. I was flattered, but I’ll say right here – I blew it. I was absolutely terrified to speak with this group of women and felt like I had nothing to say. I was super anxious and I did not prepare and it was […]

Allowing Anxiety to Derail Me Is the Worst Case Scenario

Finding Vivian Maier

Of all the awful possibilities, what’s the worst possible thing that could happen to you today? Now this is an interesting question during Mental Health Month. Some folks can provide a list of things that cause anxiety and others just have a general sense of dread. Setting aside the loss of a loved one, the […]

Chest Pain Sent Me to the ER at 43

anxiety pittsburgh

I have an anxiety disorder that I treat with medication and therapy skills. I’m to the point now where I rarely have a full-fledged anxiety attack, but when I do it is physically awful. My chest hurts. I feel dread and adrenaline coursing through my body. I have trouble breathing. I usually cry and I […]

Five Things I Did To Make Myself a Merry Christmas

donation coat and blanket

I answered the daily prompt about writing a note when I’ve visited a new place. This year, I worked hard for Christmas. Not shopping, cleaning or cooking. I worked hard on my attitude. And it paid off. The holidays are really hard for so many of us, an emotional flashpoint for anxiety, depression, addiction and […]