The Courage of An Apology, The Grace of New Insight

apology cats

And when the music playsAnd when the words areTouched with sorrowWhen the music playsAnd when the music playsI hear the soundI had to follow I recently had a chat with a high school classmate about the long-ago rift in our friendship and the chance to offer an apology. They said I was a gossip. And […]

Here Are 13 Things I Have Learned During My Separation

Obviously, a time of separation gives you reasons to reflect on your life and relationship. Not all lessons are about the relationship itself. Some are useful in other situations. All have come with a lot of sadness, pain, and struggle. But good things, too. Some of you are on the run, to escape a real […]

Trans Latina Kitty Monroe of Phoenix is the First Reported Victim Of 2024 Violence

The first trans person killed in 2024 is Kitty Monroe, 43. Equally important, she lived in Phoenix, Arizona. Also, Kitty was a Latina trans woman. The Crime Witnesses who came forward have said she was attacked about 2 a.m. Jan. 1 by a man and woman in the parking lot of Casa de Licores, a […]

Pittsburgh Theater Isn’t Just For Fancy Folks, It’s For Yinz

Pittsburgh Theater

Coming up in local Theater (and Theatre) this winter and spring are the following shows. I’m looking forward to something on each schedule. It was 11 years ago that I began intentionally reviewing, mostly the arts but some other occasional ventures. I don’t profess to be an expert on any of these things. But I […]

She Was One of Best People I’ve Ever Known

I recently learned that a member of my extended family died in mid-September. This post could dovetail into all the reasons why you should share this type of information regardless of circumstances (unless it causes harm.) But instead I want to tell you about the reasons I loved her. If you are into genealogy, you […]

The End of My Year 2023 By the Numbers

It has been 127 days since I was involuntarily removed from my home of 18+ years – in handcuffs under false pretext using an invalid warrant. That’s one third of 2023. One entire third of my year. Gone. Every single one of those day, I have focused on two things: recovering from the traumas and […]

40 Days This Blog Illumined the Advent of the Holiday Season

Memories of Christmas and other holiday events are part of life’s sustenance, good and bad. They remind of what we’ve experienced and also teach us about who we are. Or perhaps who we aspire to be? Since 2005, I’ve written many blog posts about this holiday. Many describe events long before I was born but […]

How I’m Resisting Social Anxiety During These Holidays

social anxiety

Resisting social anxiety, holiday edition. Anxiety has been a mighty foe of mine since forever. In addition to missing outings and events, it has severed my ties to my friends and colleagues. My world grew much smaller, but I didn’t even feel it happening. When I was forced to leave my home 3+ months ago, […]

‘Mrs. Doubtfire’ Musical Deemed the Best Our Reviewer Has Seen

Mrs. Doubtfire

Elijah went to see the Cultural Trust production of Mrs. Doubtfire The Musical as part of the PNC Broadway in Pittsburgh series. We are experimenting with format, right now relying on embedded TikTok videos with closed captions. Elijah learns and expresses himself best using audio or video formats. Until we get video editing software, this […]

LGBTQ&A: Mombian Blogger Dana Rudolph Creates a Space for Queer and Trans Families

“I launched the Mombian Database of LGBTQ Family Books in early 2021 to help people find the books they are seeking in this rapidly-growing genre. The database includes reviews of LGBTQ-inclusive books for ages 0-12 and books for grown-ups about LGBTQ parenting. (I don’t review young adult books or I’d never sleep; also, my audience […]