The Little Red Stocking: a Tale of a Cat’s Toy


**Disclosure: We are a participant in the Amazon Influencer program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. In addition, I may be compensated for purchases made via my Amazon Influencer page. ** I have no idea how the Influence program will […]

The SueCat #KittenCaboodle Update That You Need

The kitten situation has changed significantly over the past five days. You may remember that I plucked Sun Volt off the deck and into our bathroom where he had a continuous source of kitten chow, clean water, sleep, and human attention. He was joined by one and then two of his littermates (now known as […]

Even. More. Kittens.

When we last left this story, we had captured one kitten from a litter of five that are attached to a mama cat we’ve been feeding. We named him Sun Volt (SV) because he’s a gorgeous ginger orange tabby and he’s a fierce little man. He took up residence in our bathroom where our dog’s […]

Kitten, Kitten, OMG So Many Kittens

Homeless Kitten

First, we thought Jennie Jane had two kittens. Then, we saw Sun Volt on the porch and he is now residing in our bathroom. And then we waited for the other two kittens to come back. That’s when we realized there were three more kittens, not two. They had clearly learned from Sun Volt’s capture […]

Kitten! Kitten! Who has a kitten?

One of our semi-regular visitors has been Jenny Jane, a young tigerstriped female. We were discussing if she was preggers or not. Turns out, she was. And it turns out she successfully evaded the last local push to TNR in our blocks, successful because she is caring for at least three kittens who are about […]

One Blog, Two Fundraisers

We are currently working simultaneously on two very different crowdfunds. First, we teamed up with the Homeless Cat Management Team and CARMAA to organize a cat food drive to specifically benefit caretakers of homeless cat colonies (feral cat colonies) in Pittsburgh. This is a good way to put resources in the hands of people doing […]

The Feral Cat Girls One Year Later aka the Lesbian Cat Lady Adventures

One year ago today, we woke up early with a plan to take the female cat we had trapped to the TNR clinic for 7:30 AM. We dubbed her Mamma Mia because we knew she had a litter. We had been unsuccessful in trapping her companion female whom we assume was a kitten from a […]

92-year-old Cat Colony Caretaker Receives Food Donation through #CatFoodDrivePgh

Cat Food Drive Pittsburgh

One of the advantages to donating bags of food to our drop-off either in person or via the Amazon wish list is that the food is in the hands of the caretakers within a matter of days. Someone recently donated this bag of food   Within a few hours after arrival, it was taken to […]

Homeless Cats & Urban Residents: A Q&A With the Homeless Cat Management Team

Pittsburgh Cat Food Drive

Last month, we launched a cat food drive to support homeless caretakers in partnership with the Homeless Cat Management Team and CARMAA to support the good folks who are taking care of homeless cats. In that spirit, I reached out to one of the “cat ladies” who has been instrumental in educating me. Last year […]

Update on the Cat Food Drive: Part One

Cat Food Drive Pittsburgh

So our launch was a little rocky thanks to some shenanigans involving my webservers. I hope that’s been addressed, but just in case – I’ve created a FB event and will do my best to update both on a regular basis. A big shipment was donated via the Amazon wishlist and has already been distributed […]