Six Summer Personal Care Items You Never Thought To Donate

Pittsburgh Pride

While it is not technically summer, the 84 degree weather has me thinking about things like finding my flip-flops, setting out the deck furniture and maybe even planting stuff that grows. I might get ambitious and carry my winter coats to the attic this weekend. Just another ritual in the day to day change of […]

Reproductive Hygiene Technology Flashback

Of all the technologies that have gone extinct in your lifetime, which one do you miss the most? Oohh, this is a tough question. I certainly have nostalgia when it comes to 8-tracks and cassette decks, but I don’t really *miss* them. And cassettes aren’t actually extinct. I learned to type on a typewriter in […]

Allowing Anxiety to Derail Me Is the Worst Case Scenario

Finding Vivian Maier

Of all the awful possibilities, what’s the worst possible thing that could happen to you today? Now this is an interesting question during Mental Health Month. Some folks can provide a list of things that cause anxiety and others just have a general sense of dread. Setting aside the loss of a loved one, the […]

The First Time I Saw a Therapist

May is the month dedicated to raising awareness about mental health. I’m going to try to raise awareness by blogging more concretely about my own experiences. Fittingly, I met my new therapist today. She seems nice and pleasant. I was a little anxious because I wanted to give her background information, but I had some […]

Do You Prize Your Peace of Mind?

What’s your most prized possession? GO! My most cherished possession is my peace of mind. The things I was tempted to list My great-grandmother’s rosary that survived the fire which took her life. My pets (legally, they are possessions.) My diploma from the School of Social Work (I don’t even know where it is.) My […]

If You Can’t Afford Tampons, What Do You Do?

Cathy's Closet Sister Supplies

This is a problem that I never thought about until I was 25 years old. While my family had financial struggles, I never lacked the items most women take for granted – pads and tampons. At 25, I met Shirley who gently educated me on the impact of poverty on our womanly ways. I learned […]

Ten Things You Can’t Buy With SNAP (Food Stamps)

Personal Care Closet Pittsburgh

  I was terrible in Home Ec (8th grade) because I had little appreciation for how practical the skills would be some day. I regret not being able to sew for sure – how much money can we save if we could even do basic sewing? I also regret not learning more about cooking. I […]

Help Me Distribute Personal Care Items With Dignity

Personal Care Closet Pittsburgh

While debates rage over people utilizing food stamps to purchase lobster and soda pop, there is little public discussion about the things SNAP can’t buy. Soap Toothpaste Deodorant You also cannot buy toilet paper, diapers or laundry detergent. Are any of these luxuries in your household? What would you sacrifice to pay for gas to […]

Memories Muscles

holiday giving charity festivus

What are the three most memorable moments — good or bad, happy or sad — in your life? Go! This is a difficult question for me because my memories are often distorted. Bad memories tend to always trump good memories. The good ones are there, but I have to put a lot more effort into […]

To Sleep Perchance Refreshed

What kind of sleeper are you? Do you drop off like a stone and awaken refreshed, or do you need pitch black and silence to drift off to dream? I go from one extreme to the other – I sleep like a rock (sometimes due to medication) or I am restless as all get out. […]