I Promise I Won’t Bite You

What do you think you’ll be doing 10 years from now on February 13, 2023? Today is your lucky day. You get three wishes, granted to you by The Daily Post. What are your three wishes and why? Relax. I’m not going to bite or anything. Even thought my recent posts have been viewed by over 2,000 […]

I am a mental patient. Hear me whimper?

Mental Health Pittsburgh

Content Note: This entire post is a content note. If you are a human being, it will trigger you. Read at your own risk. Some of you are wondering “Why is Sue talking about herself as a mental patient?” Good question. Note, that most of you are far too polite to ask and instead simply […]

Would You Bring a Casserole to a Mental Patient?

(Content note: don’t read this if you like content notes because the list is longer than the post.) What helps you keep thoughts in perspective so they don’t overwhelm you? Sometimes I’ll come across a story about a random act of kindness that changed the world or at least changed one person’s world. A simple […]

An Embarrassment of Status Updates

When was the last time you were embarrassed? How do you react to embarrassment?  In the year 2010, I decided to lose weight so I started a rigorous exercise (walking) program and monitored what I ate. It was successful in that I lost 50 pounds in about 6 months. Unfortunately, the reason I was successful […]

When I Broke Up With Coke

Happy Endings Tell us about something you’ve tried to quit. Did you go cold turkey, or for gradual change? Did it stick? I grew up with pop (soda) as a treat. My parents were firm about drinking milk for dinner whether at home or in a restaurant (in those days, no restaurants served juice.) Occasionally, […]

Five Queerability Life Hacks For A Lesbian With the Flu

Update: For those who are new to my blog, I am living with disability but this post is intended to explore how getting a routine sickness exacerbates things – in this case, how the flu impacts our everyday queerability, not to suggest the flu is the same thing as a disability! Sorry for any confusion. […]

My Ignorance of AIDS and LGBTQ History: A Review of Dallas Buyers Club

On September 5, 1991, I was a college senior at Marymount University in Arlingtong, Virginia. I had no idea that a few miles down Glebe Road, a giant condom action was launched at the home of Senator Jesse Helms – an action centered around HIV/AIDS treatment. Mind you, I read the Washington Post each day. […]

Pitt Health Study Explores Disparities in LGBT Research

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports on new research published today. The National Institutes of Health funded only a negligible number of studies researching the health of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people over more than two decades, according to an analysis led by the University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public Health. Because of that, health […]

Chest Pain Sent Me to the ER at 43

anxiety pittsburgh

I have an anxiety disorder that I treat with medication and therapy skills. I’m to the point now where I rarely have a full-fledged anxiety attack, but when I do it is physically awful. My chest hurts. I feel dread and adrenaline coursing through my body. I have trouble breathing. I usually cry and I […]

Five Things I Did To Make Myself a Merry Christmas

donation coat and blanket

I answered the daily prompt about writing a note when I’ve visited a new place. This year, I worked hard for Christmas. Not shopping, cleaning or cooking. I worked hard on my attitude. And it paid off. The holidays are really hard for so many of us, an emotional flashpoint for anxiety, depression, addiction and […]