E! The Dragnificent Reviews Broadway Drag Bingo

On September 20, our newest contributor visited a new offering ffrom the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust – Broadway Bingo. E! The Dragnificent who happens to be studying musical theater has an inside glimpse of this new series. Disclosure: we were provided with a pair of tickets to this event. E! also won a pair of socks, […]

Guest Post: The Art of Drag Culture Through the Gaze of E! The Dragnificent


I invited E! The Dragnificent to help me with some blogging related to drag culture and drag artists. She helped me craft the questions for our interview with Aquaria, a Pennsylvania native who is part of the Werq The World tour coming to Pittsburgh. And then E wrote this essay about why she loves Ru […]

“Can you take a 13-year-old Caucasian boy?” Guest Blog Post for #LGBTQFamiliesDay

Lesbian Foster Family

This is a guest post written by a friend who is a foster parent. Her son has given permission to share pieces of his story to signal boost the vital role of LGBTQ foster families. This is part of our contributions to the #LGBTQFamiliesDay project. Content Note: Abuse, Trauma, Homophobia, Family Rejection “Can you take […]

In Loving Memory of Bobby Peck (1965 – 2018)

IN LOVING MEMORY OF BOBBY PECK Rory T Peck, known as Bobby, valued human connection above all else and is grieved by the many people whose lives he touched. He pursued a life mission to live and model the interconnectedness of all things. On November 8, 2018 at the age of 53, he passed away […]

Pride is in the Person, not the Parade: A Guest Blog Post by Billy Hileman

A guest post from longtime LGBTQ activist and former Pride committee member, Billy Hileman. This is in response to decisions by the Delta Foundation that excluded Richard Parsakian’s participation as curator of dance performances at the festival, and separately left him no choice but to withdraw the historic rainbow pride flag. For the first time in […]

WARNING! Pittsburgh Magazine is Dangerous to your Queer Health

Pittsburgh Pridefest

A guest post from longtime LGBTQ activist and former Pride committee member, Billy Hileman, in response to a newly published long form piece in Pittsburgh Magazine about the Delta Foundation of Pittsburgh. Note that I was quoted in the magazine article and am cited in Billy’s post. He originally wrote this as a Facebook status […]

Phat Man Dee Talks About ‘Creative Love Energy’ and #LGBTHistoryMonth

Phat Man Dee

In honor of LGBT History Month, I’ve asked several friends to share something that they consider significant with regard to the regional LGBTQ experience. Here, Mandy L Kivowitz-Delfaver also known as Phat Man Dee, responds. I’ll admit that she made me tear up quite a bit.  ~ Sue My friend Sue Kerr of the wonderful blog […]

Guest Blog Post: Bloomers Woman’s Space Broke Barriers in Pgh #LGBTHistoryMonth

Bloomers Pittsburgh

October is LGBT History Month. I’ve asked several people to share their thoughts on regional historical events that left an impression on them. Some contributors are LGBTQ, some are allies. All are people I think you will enjoy hearing from this month. If you would like to submit a guest post, please click here. Bloomers and […]

Guest Blog Post: History Repeats, But Our Response Can Change #LGBTHistoryMonth

LGBT History Month Sarver Pennsylvania

October is LGBT History Month. I’ve asked several people to share their thoughts on regional historical events that left an impression on them. Some contributors are LGBTQ, some are allies. All are people I think you will enjoy hearing from this month. If you would like to submit a guest post, please click here. ~ […]

One Angry Queer Responds to the Trump Trans Military Ban

Reposted with permission from One Angry Queer written by my wonderful friend and colleague, Ian Awesome.  Follow them on Twitter @OneAngryQueer ~ Sue OK. The Trump trans military ban. If you know me you of course know two things about me: I used to serve in the military and that I’m some kinda wacky kinda trans that […]