Posts by Guest Blogger:
Why is Indigenous Peoples Day so important?
By Lee Dingus, a Pittsburgh based Haudenosaunee – Seneca artist and educator, Founder of Echoes of the Four Directions Why is Indigenous Peoples Day so important? Indigenous People’s Day recognizes the resilience of my ancestors and the legacy I carry with me, my grandmothers. It is a day dedicated to the impact colonialism had on my […]
Review: The Little Mermaid and My 11-Year-Old Nephew
Spoilerish We sent our Disney movie expert Elijah, 11, to preview the Live Action version of The Little Mermaid. Elijah submitted an audio review and I added the transcript. Elijah is 11, an experienced Disney fan courtesy of his mom, and also happens to be a Black child. He previously connected the movie casting to […]
Reflections on 30 Year Anniversary of March on Washington for Lesbian, Gay, Bi Equal Rights and Liberation on April 25, 1993
America’s Civil Rights Agenda Stalled as Attacks on LGBTQIA People Expand Almost thirty years ago, on April 25, 1993, nearly 1,000,000 people marched onto the nation’s capitol in the March on Washington for Lesbian, Gay, Bi Equal Rights and Liberation. This is a guest blog post by Pittsburgh based queer activist Billy Hileman. Billy was […]
Guest Post: Where Oh Where Has the Pittsburgh Gay Nightlife Gone?
By Jazmine Butterfly As I was out last night I realized everything is gone! The 90s in Pittsburgh were epic! …I mean at least to me they were! There was so much TGBLQ nightlife that we had a schedule on what bars were hopin’ on any particular night. Take for instance tonight is Thursday everybody […]
‘We Just Forgot How to Care for Ourselves’ A Widowed Husband Reflects on the Toll of Alcohol Abuse on His Family
Content Note: Alcohol, depression, death, grief In 2015, a woman named Heather completed the AMPLIFY Q&A and she caught my attention. This response in particular has stayed with me all of these years later. What motivated you to take part in this project? I don’t talk about this part of my life a lot, and when […]
Guest Post: Why December 10 is Sue Kerr Day in the City of Pittsburgh
Guest blog post by Anne E. Lynch, Executive Director, Three Rivers Community Foundation, and board member of Pittsburgh LGBTQ Charities Recently, I was asked to weigh in on a very special document – a proclamation to make a Sue Kerr Day in Pittsburgh. It was to be a surprise, but some of us argued against […]
Lebo Pride Response to Anti-Trans Lawsuit Filed Against Mt. Lebanon School District
When news broke of this lawsuit filed by three parents in the Mt. Lebanon School District, I reached out to Lebo Pride and requested a statement. I urge you to connect with them on social media to resist this attack on trans students ~ Sue All over this country, buzzwords and phrases such as “parental […]
Grief, Anger, Fear, and Guilt: Comments from a Friend of Kathryn Newhouse at Her Candlelight Vigil
On Saturday March 19, 2022, a 19-year-old Asian-American autistic trans woman living with mental illness issues was murdered by her father (filicide) in their family home. Her father then died by suicide using the same gun. Her name was Kathryn (Katie) Newhouse. Yesterday, friends and neighbors organized a candlelight vigil to honor her life and acknowledge […]
Guest Post: Ukrainian Kokum Scarf and Indigenous People
First published on Facebook by Lenora “Lee” DingusNod-doh-wa-ge-no (Seneca) Artist of Echoes of the Four Directions This Is a kokum scarf or grandmother scarf. Kokum means grandmother in Cree. Today It’s a piece of cloth used in powwows by jingle dancers “as a method of prayer while dancing with pow-wow dresses, It was all so […]
Guest Post for International Lesbian Day: A Boomer’s Bar Life in Pittsburgh
I first met Sue B. a few years ago on social media. She and my wife had mutual friends so we began corresponding and dining out together back when we did those thing. I begged and pleaded with her to put her recollections of queer women’s history into writing. There’s very little first person documentarian […]
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