Placeholder Post

Using this post to test a flaw with metatags. Just click thru. Here is something pretty to look at if you are still reading this.

I Just Found My (non) Imaginary Childhood Friend on Facebook

Today’s blogging prompt is a challenge to describe what your imaginary childhood friend’s life would be like now. I didn’t have an imaginary friend, but there was one childhood friend who moved away in second grade. I never saw her again. So for no particular reason, I googled her and up popped a Facebook profile […]

The Early History of Halloween and Gender Norms in Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh Halloween

Guest Blog Post from Joe Wos, a Pittsburgh based cartoonist and storyteller. He discovered some interesting material about the history of Halloween in early 20th century Pittsburgh.  The media coverage of gender normative behavior isn’t that far off from current misinformation around gender identity and gender expression. You can find Joe on Twitter @WosIsMe Imagine […]

Review of Pittsburgh Tours and More ScareHouse Tour

Pittsburgh Tours and More

On a recent Sunday, Ledcat and I took a six-hour tour of one of our favorite Halloween haunts – The ScareHouse in Etna, courtesy of Pittsburgh Tours and More. We’ve been to ScareHouse in the past – almost yearly, but the chance to go behind the scenes was too good to resist. The tour started […]

When Harry Met Sally and Sue

You get to spend a day inside your favorite movie. Tell us which one it is — and what happens to you while you’re there. So this is a fun prompt. And I need a bit of fun, so here we go. One of my favorite movie’s is When Harry Met Sally. It is funny, heartfelt and […]

Nine Things You Never Thought To Donate To The Winter Gear Drive

Homeless donation

As you know, I work hard during the winter to gather your gently used items and help the GLCC redistribute them to neighbors. There’s an Amazon Wish List that you can use. The wish list includes some of the basics – blankets, coats, gloves. So let me help you understand some of the other needs. […]

Empathy and Mental Health


Today’s blogging prompt is about empathy, but I’m going to go a slightly different direction. I think one of the most tangible tools to cope with a bout of depression, anxiety or other symptoms is empathy. Empathy is simply the capacity to put yourself in someone else’s shoes and feel the kinship, the shared perspective. […]

UPDATED: PA State House Candidate Throws Down the Anti-Trans Card

Transgender Bathroom

In a move not surprising but still ugly, the PA Family Council sent out campaign literature for candidate for State House Jason Ortitay distorting HB 300 to paint his opponent, incumbent Rep Jesse White, as a threat to civilized society. White represents the 46th House District which includes portions of both Allegheny and Washington counties. […]

Whatever Happened to Alex Libby from the Movie Bully

Alex Libby

  Today, October 16, is Spirit Day, founded in 2010 for people to show their support for LGBTQ youth. I happened upon something quite relevant – an update on Alex Libby, the young man portrayed with such empathy in the original movie. In 2013, Anderson Cooper and CNN put together a followup on several of […]

The Paul Lynde Halloween Special is a Must Watch

Paul Lynde Halloween

Like most people, I love a good holiday special. Last year, I discovered this gem – the Paul Lynde Halloween Special from 1976. Special music guest was KISS. I am not kidding. Pinky Tuscadero, Margaret Hamilton and  Tim Conway got top billing over KISS. You have to watch this because it is a hoot.