Bacon and chocolate, caramel and cheddar… Is there an unorthodox food pairing you really enjoy? Share with us the weirdest combo you’re willing to admit that you like — and how you discovered it.
The weirdest combo that I currently appreciate is more of a folk remedy for what ails me, than a gastro concoction – apple cider vinegar and Breathe Easy herbal tea which contains licorice, fennel and eucalyptus. This does a terrific job of breaking up that weird allergy/stomach acid reflux cycle.

The tea itself is very good, a strong flavor with a hint of sweetness. I tend to drink herbal tea without sweeteners so I like it just fine. Apple cider vinegar, of course, does not taste very good at all. While I wouldn’t say it is hidden by the tea, it certainly is more of a mild “bitter” than anything else. The tea’s intense licorice flavor makes it all palatable.
What does it do? Well, the tea is like a cup of decongestant that loosens up my sinuses and opens up my airways. I try to drink a cup every single day, no matter the season. It is that effective. So effective that the resulting discharge would sometimes flow down my throat at night and irritate my stomach.
The apple cider vinegar is allegedly supposed to reset the acidic balance in your stomach. Acid on acid doesn’t make intuitive sense, but it works often enough for me to keep using it. I used to chug it, but that’s bad for your throat so I had to find a more diluted way to consume it that didn’t prolong the nasty taste. Chamomile tea was okay, but a little too delicate.
I learned about apple cider vinegar from Green Grandma. I bought her book Vinegar Fridays and love it. I use white vinegar for tons of household uses. I learned about Breathe Easy tea (made by Traditional Medicines) from a family friend who brought me some to try when I had a bad cold a few years ago. It is carried in Target so I keep a supply on hand. I decided to mix the two on my own volition.
Ledcat thinks it is vile even though she’s a big fan of licorice. You could add honey (or other sweetener) if you like. I don’t mind the taste and find it much preferable to waking up searching for my inhaler at 2 AM or coughing uncontrollably. And there are no side effects unlike medication. It helps me sleep, but doesn’t knock me out like some meds. And it is much more affordable than heavy duty stomach meds.
If you have bad allergies that impact your sleep, I urge you to try the tea.
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