Podcast Tuesday: This is a New Thing

Sharing podcast episodes to try something new. There are some podcasts you might want to add to your list. LGBTQ focused, they explore all of the news you rarely hear elsewhere. I’m going to try to embed the latest episodes weekly in a roundup format. I’m not planning to create a podcast, but I would […]

Drifting Away from MSNBC as Programs Lose Diverse Voices

Black Women Voices Media

When we first brought cable into our home about a decade ago, we immediately began watching ‘The Rachel Maddow Show’ with religious fervor. Representative lesbian in media? Yes! Rachel introduced us to other programming, including the eye-opening representative weekend programming helmed by many people of color. Most notable was Melissa Harris-Perry morning slots on Saturday […]

Q&A with Ryan Deto about the role of Pittsburgh City Paper in the region’s curent crisis

Ryan Deto Pittsburgh City Paper

Local media outlets are essential to the work we do on this blog. Chief among those has been the Pittsburgh City Paper, a relationship that has had ups and downs over the years. I’ve been through the tenure of four editors, countless staff and beat reporters, and other staff as well as multiple publishers. I’ve […]

I Still Know How to Fold a Newspaper #NaBloPoMoPgh #NaBloPoMo2019

The Prompt – Pittsburgh no longer has a daily newspaper in print. Did your family ‘take a paper’ when you were growing up? Did they watch the local tv news or listen to the radio news regularly? Do you regularly read any Pittsburgh based media sites, both mainstream and alternative, now? The short answer is […]

How Do You Stay Informed About LGBTQ Issues? #AMPLIFY

Dialogue swirling about ‘fake news’ and the impact it has on our very real lives We ask each AMPLIFY contributor to tell us how they keep abreast on these matters. As you might expect, each person gave us a unique response. But we dived into the data and did a little light sorting to tease […]

The Natural Order of Things Requires You To Pay Attention

Pittsburgh Poverty

I was engaged in a Facebook “dialogue” yesterday around the young women in Nigeria who were stolen from their families. The actual topic was a #BringBackOurGirls rally planned for Mother’s Day, but I want to try to keep the girls themselves as the focus of the discussion. Not the rally. Not the rally organizer. Not […]

No News Here

Newsmakers? Did you have a female ancestor who made the news? Why? Was she famous or notorious? Did she appear in the social column? I’ve been in the news quite a bit, usually because I’m being mouthy about some issue or cause or something – like helping poor people or fighting discrimination. And yeah there […]