Another Update On How to Request a Campaign Yard Sign in Pittsburgh

Fetterman Shapiro Summer Lee Campaign Signs

Since we last had this conversation, progress has been made. The Allegheny County Democrat Committee now has an online form that you can use to request yard signs. That’s what we’ve needed all along. You can request signs through the campaign (in most cases) and through the ACDC (in most cases.) In come cases, the […]

A Third Update on the Political Q&A Series on My Blog – Which Candidates Responded and Which Have Not (yet)

Pgh Lesbian Correspondents

As of today, we’ve received and published Q&As from 13 candidates. 10 other candidates requested a Q&A, but still haven’t followed through on their commitment. At least 11 candidates ignored my request INCLUDING Josh Shapiro. I recently blogged about the WHY it matters piece of identifying candidates who haven’t followed through on their commitment or […]

Q&A With Jessica Benham, Incumbent Candidate for PA House District 36

Jessica Benham

As a member of the minority party, it’s incredibly difficult to get legislative priorities to move in Harrisburg. In fact, so far, no bill prime sponsored by a House Democrat has been signed into law this legislative session. I have used the amendment process to still advocate and fight. State Representative Jessica Benham This is […]

Political LGBTQ&A with Jessica Benham, State Representative Elect PA House District 36

Jessica Benham

I know that many bisexual people and many Autistic people see themselves reflected in me, and that my win gives them hope about the ways they, too, can make a difference in the world. As of this most recent election, Pennsylvania has at least 57 openly LGBTQ individuals holding elected office. In November 2020, we […]

Western PA Among Historic Elections of Openly LGBTQ Candidates

LGBTQ Candidates Win Elections

Per the Victory Fund, 173 openly LGBTQ candidates have won their races with 76 still undecided. At least thirty-five of the winners are non-incumbents.  Pennsylvania had three electoral victories, reelecting openly gay State Representative Malcolm Kenyatta and Brian Sims. The third victory was the election of Jessica Benham to replace the retired Harry Readshaw. Jessica […]

PA State Representative Summer Lee Describes Digital Campaigning During a Pandemic

I asked a few campaigns to weigh in on the new tactics and strategies they will be relying on to move ahead with critical elections. What is still possible? What is newly possible? How can we help from our homes? You can read our candidate Q&A’s here. Also, check out our Q&A’s about the Pennsylvania Primary Election. […]

Candidate for PA State House Emily Kinkead Describes Digital Campaigning During a Pandemic

Emily Kinkead

I asked a few campaigns to weigh in on the new tactics and strategies they will be relying on to move ahead with critical elections. What is still possible? What is newly possible? How can we help from our homes? You can read our candidate Q&A’s here. Also, check out our Q&A’s about the Pennsylvania Primary Election. […]

Candidate for PA State House Jessica Benham Describes Digital Campaigning During a Pandemic

Jessica Benham

I asked a few campaigns to weigh in on the new tactics and strategies they will be relying on to move ahead with critical elections. What is still possible? What is newly possible? How can we help from our homes? You can read our candidate Q&A’s here. Also, check out our Q&A’s about the Pennsylvania […]

Q&A with Jessica Benham, Candidate for PA State House District 36

Jessica Benham

The residents of district 36 deserve a solution to the flooding that impacts their daily lives. They are tired of constant studies and plans that don’t materialize. We are revisiting our Political Q&A series for the upcoming elections of 2020. We’ve reached out to candidates who are pro-choice and pro-LGBTQ, asking them a series of […]