But I want you to know, after all these years … honoring my 21st anniversary

The world of queer relationships and queer anniversaries is complicated by the states decades of oppression of our rights to simply create a family with the person we love. For those who came of age after 2015, it may not make much sense. The queer anniversary is a complicated dynamic. We have a lot of […]

Today Marks My 17th Year on Facebook

I cannot remember why I joined Facebook. Curiosity, perhaps? Sometimes I try to recall different versions (remember walls?) and features (remember notes?) But I can’t recall fonts or tabs or any sort of organizing principle. I just remember the people and the moments. I’m not going to wax nostalgic about the site or the owners. […]

The Second Anniversary of the Death of My Mother

collage of kerry pryor kerr my mother

Two years ago, my mother died on this date. I think about her more often now. Even when it is a sad memory, I almost instantly remember that she’s at peace. I can miss her, but not regret that she’s gone. Not in a “better place” sort of way, but that she served her time […]

Why I’m Giving A Wedding Anniversary Gift To Myself

Today is the third anniversary of my wedding. Obviously, if you read regularly, you know this is a difficult day. I decided to honor how important this is to me, regardless. My future intentions around my marriage and domestic partnership are not the same thing as the way I feel about the past 20 years […]

Snacktime in the Meadow of Love: My Third Wedding Anniversary

Today is the third anniversary of my wedding. Yet, I am alone at my friends’ home and assume my wife is at work. Happy anniversary! Yesterday, I looked at our wedding album, reread the newspaper coverage of the wedding, and – even though I was sad – I remembered how happy and excited I felt […]

Celebrating 18 Years of Blogging at Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents

As I have said, on Friday, December 29, we celebrated a huge milestone – 18 years of blogging and the start of our 19th year of blogging. What does that look like? 6,140 blog posts – I published them, but I didn’t write them all. 330+ posts were created by the #AMPLIFY contributors. That’s 341 […]

20 Years as a Lesbian Couple

Yesterday, we celebrated our 20th anniversary. Like many couples our age, we celebrate the day of our ‘coupling’ and the date of our wedding. In wedding years, we are on year two. Our day was low-key. I picked up groceries, Laura cooked dinner. I didn’t feel well so we kept it simple and I laid […]

One Year Anniversary of Pittsburgh LGBTQ Charities

Pittsburgh LGBTQ Charities

Today marks one year since Pittsburgh LGBTQ Charities (PLC) was registered by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. And what a first year we’ve had. Pittsburgh LGBTQ Charities was established in 2021 to raise community awareness and promote grassroots engagement for neighborhood quality of life, animal welfare, anti-poverty, and LGBTQ+ issues in Western Pennsylvania. We’ve been busy. […]

When They Said “Happy Anniversary” and No One Clapped

On our anniversary (July 18), we went on a dinner sunset cruise here in Erie. It wasn’t fancy, but it was nice. They asked for people to share birthdays and anniversaries so I impulsively told them it was our 19th anniversary. Laura looked at me and sighed. She was right. I asked the server if […]

Celebrating Our 19th Anniversary

Sue And Laura

Today marks 19 years of my favorite supercouple – SueCat. Sue (me) and my now-wife Ledcat (aka Laura) = SueCat. We are on vacation this week and celebrating this big night with a dinner sunset cruise on Lake Erie. Romantic, no? Except the part of deciding moment by moment if we can out ourselves or […]