DNC: Don't talk about the Homos and Maybe They'll Go Away

DNC:  Don't talk about the Homos and Maybe They'll Go Away

The DNC's Annual Grassroots Report was released last week.  Not a single mention of the LGBTQ community.  Nada.  Howard Dean eliminates the gay outreach post, then wonders why people are upset …. and now this …. So what's happening in the Pennsylvania/Pittsburgh LGBT democratic wing ….You tell me.  Here's what BlogActive and LGBT political activist […]

Penn State: we said it but we didn't REALLY mean to protect homos

Penn State:  we said it but we didn't REALLY mean to protect homos

In an expected (but pathetic) twist to the Penn State Lesbian Discrimination case, lawyers for anti-lesbian coach Rene Portland and the University argued that the non-discrimination policy was a non-binding contract. You expect this from Portland who obviously didn't bind herself by the policy.  Plus, she's also claiming that former player (and plaintiff) Jennifer Harris was […]

LGBT activists "call out" Stonewall response to DNC

LGBT activists "call out" Stonewall response to DNC

 From Blogactive.com Not to stand silently by as the party trashes gays and lesbians, Stonewall Democrats have issued a statement about Howard Dean's insensitivity to the gay and lesbian community and condemning his actions totally kissing Howard Dean's ass: From keithboykin.com the DNC eliminated the GLBT outreach office but is keeping the GLBT fundraising office. […]

Here We Go Steelers!


A Slippery Slope to Hate: Gay Bar Murderer Snared in Arkansas

I would be remiss not to comment on the gay bar rampage in Massachusetts.  Last night, the murderous Jacob Robida was captured in Arkansas after killing his female passenger and a cop. (365gay.com) Robida targets gays armed with a hatchet and a gun.  People are asking why and scrambling to link his neo-Nazi fetish with his apparent homophobia.  Wake up […]

Catty Call – PG Column Throwback to When Women Were Girls

For proof the PG's inevitable downward spiral, one need look no further than “Just Ask Cat,” a misguided attempt to offer advice to Pittsburgh's lost and lovelorn.  Would-be columnist Catherine Specter dishes out bad advice more often than Joe Grata disses Penndot.   Ms. Specter is caught up in a retro-delusion that with the right […]

80ish Catholic Grammy Loves McIntire AND Correspondent

80ish Catholic Grammy Loves McIntire AND Correspondent

Had dinner with my long-time friend Amy (27 years or so) and her adorable two-year old daughter last weekend.  She informed me that her 80ish grandmother had heard my “Lesbian Correspondent” segments on The Temporary John McIntire Show and was very pleased.  Apparently, Grammy is a big fan of both McIntire and Lynn Cullen.  Obviously […]

Good News for Pittsburgh’s Queer Youth

Good News for Pittsburgh’s Queer Youth

From the City Paper Tom Wyse, faculty adviser for Gay-Straight Alliance groups in two Pittsburgh Public high schools, says a new meeting spot in Carnegie Library’s Oakland branch is the start of a community-wide Alliance. The Carnegie’s dedicated teen room will become the “Safe and Respectful Space” every Wednesday after school, beginning with a post-Valentine’s […]

Lesbian Tagged

Lesbian Tagged

Somewhat misleading title.  This is my first time being “tagged,” but since i love those little email questionnaire things, this seems fun. Four Jobs I’ve Had: 1. Foster Care Recruiter2. Special Projects Coordinator3. Lay Missioner4. Intern for Senator Rick Santorum Four Movies I Watch Over and Over Again: 1. A Family Affair2. When Harry Met […]

PA Rep Mike Diven: Homohater AND Illiterate?

It seemed like such a simple request.  She wrote to The Honorable Mike Diven, Republican member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives.  Her mission?  To ascertain how Diven would vote on the proposed anti-gay marriage amendment to the Pennsylvania Constitution. What Diven offered in response is a testament to why the Democrats should be able […]