Today Marks My 17th Year on Facebook

I cannot remember why I joined Facebook. Curiosity, perhaps? Sometimes I try to recall different versions (remember walls?) and features (remember notes?) But I can’t recall fonts or tabs or any sort of organizing principle. I just remember the people and the moments. I’m not going to wax nostalgic about the site or the owners. […]

I fail donors with complete self-awareness and no actual misgivings

I love the idea of supporting creators with a modest sustaining gift. Each month, a titch of my income goes to Substack subscriptions, some Act Blue candidates, and Patreon. Donors keep the interesting stuff happening. How I Waded In To The Pond of Promotion So I set up my own Patreon. Immediately hit a wall. […]

Father’s Day regrets about my Dad’s obituary

My father died in February of this year. I was unable to provide him a traditional rite of passage – an obituary in our local daily paper. I clung to that void with a firm grip, turning it over in my mind to determine why it troubled me. Sadness that he was denied that final […]

A History of the Pittsburgh Dyke March


Over the years, I’ve had the pleasure to participate in the Pittsburgh Dyke March, founded in 2006 by Eli Kuti and friends. I was at the first march in 2006 and many others. A few years I volunteered. These are my own posts reflecting on the march, not a formal archive. And certainly not comprehensive. […]

The folx who showed up are the people I choose #LGBTQFamiliesDay

This is my 15th year participating in #LGBTQFamiliesDay Monday, June 3, 2024, is the 19th Annual LGBTQ Families Day, a time to celebrate the many families with LGBTQ people in them who live in every state and almost every county of the U.S. The event aims to raise awareness of the diversity, joys, and challenges […]

My Queer Memorial Day 2024


This was my first holiday weekend at my home since the Fourth of July last year. I was living here over Easter, but spent that weekend cat sitting for friends. The death of our beloved cat companion Precious overshadowed everything so I have to take that into consideration. But I had no plans. Not good. […]

Saying Goodbye to Grandma Precious, a very nice cat

Our sweet baby Precious is not well. She went downhill quickly, we rushed her to veterinarian Friday night.  Precious is at least 15. She’s spending most of her time in my room. She sleeps on cat bed under my bed, lounges on my bed, and sometimes sits on the rug. She drinks water on her […]

I’m an anxious girl in an anxious world

Anxiety has been my constant lifelong companion. When I was young, I didn’t have the language. I didn’t understand how these awful feelings were connected to my awful life experiences. I just internalized the anguish, transforming it to shame. I remember thinking our dog would be so lonely if we left her alone so I […]

Queer Listening: Podcast Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Content Notes: all three shows cover LGBTQ stories. I don’t agree with everything they share. But I do appreciate that they create it and hope you will feel that way, too. Anything you think I should be hearing? Gay USA Live May 14, 2024 TransLash Media May 9, 2024 Trans Powerlifting American Fever Dream Politicians […]

My Apology to Both Girls Named Jazlynn Johnson in Nevada

Trans deaths

Earlier this week, I blogged about the death of an 18-year-old trans girl in Carson City, Nevada. And I got things wrong. The person I described in the original post attached to this URL is a different 18 year old girl named Jazlynn Johnson. Everything I shared about her was tied to a young woman […]