Review: The Fosters from ABC Family

ABC Family The Fosters

May be spoilerish. You’ve been warned. I’ve been hearing many good things about this show from my friend Dana at Mombian. The story focuses on a lesbian couple that happens to be biracial, Stef and Lena, who are raising a blended family. Their children include Stef’s biological son from her first marriage, Brandon, as well […]

Why I’ll Never Be a Great Blogger

The Sincerest Form of Flattery Publish a post in the style of a favorite author/blogger or photographer. I’m not sure that I have favorite bloggers or I pay close attention to their writing style, close enough to copy it. The thing I like about their blogging is that they write well. Notice how I shifted […]

Dear PA Residents – Please Don’t Rush Into Getting Gay Married

I am so simply exhausted right now that I’m sure this post will be much more flippant than I intend. I’ve been on the phone ALL DAY dealing with media calls and trying to help people get services.  And doing laundry.  And medicating cats. The glamorous life. So I just read that Montgomery County, Pennsylvania […]

Blogging Because We Are Family!

I was a young girl of 8 when the Pittsburgh Pirates adopted the song “We Are Family” during their drive to win the World Series in 1979.  As a grown woman of 42 living in Pittsburgh, the song is permanently fused in my head as both an LGBTQ and sports champion anthem. Perhaps that’s fitting […]

Save the Date: Blogging for LGBT Families Day is June 3, 2013

Once again, we’ll be participating in Blogging for LGBT Families Day, this year on Monday, June 3. Save the date! Monday, June 3, will be the 8th Annual Blogging for LGBT Families Day, hosted right here at Mombian—but powered by your blogs! Anyone who wants to post in support of LGBT families is welcome. The event is […]

The Week in LGBTQ – April 14, 2013

A snippet of our most popular tweets from the previous week – follow us @PghLesbian24 Even if same-sex marriage is against your religion, we can’t ban every sin -Pittsburgh Post-Gazette via @pittsburghpg This does not include former PA Governor Ed Rendell – Which Politicians Supported Gay Marriage and When? via @MotherJones Here’s a mom we all want to […]

Suggestions on “Rainbow Family” Books to Donate

Suggestions on “Rainbow Family” Books to Donate

Dana from Mombian contacted me with a great list of LGBTQ books for children up to grade 5. These might be books you choose to donate to the Manchester Elementary School library. You can also donate the resource itself to the library or $50.00!   Fast forward to today and Dr. Naidoo, now an […]

Being an Advocate: 7th Annual Blogging for LGBT Families

I was mulling over my contribution to this year’s day dedicated to blog posts about LGBTQ families and I kept coming back to the recent chart in The Guardian which showed that LGBTQ people and families in Pennsylvania have no rights. It bothers me that so many people don’t know or accept this information because […]

Happy Turkey/Tofurkey Day

Happy Turkey/Tofurkey Day

Well, any holiday that starts with a blueberry muffin from The Priory Bakery is pretty good in my book, especially if you add a cup of coffee, a parade on tv and your best girl sitting next to you reading the paper. We are skipping the cooking this year and dining out.  The menu sounds […]

Blogging for LGBT Families 2011 – Don’t Devalue the Aunties

Once again, it is time to participate in the blogswarm for LGBT families sponsored by the blog Mombian. I've given some thought to my topic this year and decided to write a response to the perception that not having children makes us less than a family. I think there is more than one person who perceives LGBTQ families without children […]