My Letter to Senator John Fetterman Regarding Bullying and Disabilities

Image of Senator John Feetterman

Dear Senator Fetterman, I am genuinely sorry that you are enduring vicious bullying because of your disability. You said ‘Because I live in a political environment, I was ridiculed and made fun of because I wasn’t able to process things at times,’ he said as began to tear up in front of the panel. He began […]

The Death of Billy Miller Due To Bipolar Depression is Important

I will always remember Billy Miller, an actor who recently died from suicide while struggling with bipolar depression. He was 43. Miller was an actor, mostly known for his complicated character soap opera roles. Most notably, he played Billy Abbott on The Young & The Restless and then both Jason Morgan and Drew Cain on […]

Crowdfund and Life Update

Crowdfund Sue Kerr

I’m still doing okay – safe with friends and taking things one day at a time. I went back to court last week, negotiated and agreed to a continuance, and took a break. Spent a lot of time with my nephews this weekend. We had a firepit fire and made s’mores. Celebrated a birthday and […]

You Can Support Both People Without Taking Sides

support both sides

You can choose to support both of us. I realize it seems like ‘taking sides’ or ‘picking a team’ when couple friends are in conflict. But that’s not the case. Loving and supporting both of us as individuals does not have to be a source of conflict for you. Setting boundaries is important, but that […]

And Then You Came For Me With Help and Support and Love

Sue Kerr crowdfund

Content Note: mental health, childhood abuse, police encounter, 302 or civil commitment, anti-trans actions, support Thank you for showing up for me during a really tough time. How Your Support is Keeping Me Safe With your help, I was able to pay the retainer for a great lawyer who has been helpful, kind, and pragmatic. […]

More On Disability Pride from The 19th

Previous post in this series Finding Pride in My Disability I spoke with my therapist about this concept, something she had never heard of and she suggested that it might stem from the positivity movement, similar to body positivity. She suggested that a body neutrality approach might be more comfortable. I appreciate that she reiterated […]

Finding Pride in My Disability

July is Disability Pride Month. The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was passed on July 26, 1990, to prohibit discrimination against people with disabilities. Following this legislation, Boston held the first Disability Pride Day event in July 1990 and Disability Pride Month was born. “To change the way people think about and define “disability,” to […]

The Summer I Hoped to Have Without Loneliness

lonely sunset in Pittsburgh

I’ve written about this many times, but June is a very difficult month for me. This year, a particular challenge has been my trauma processing work – digging in deep to some stuff that’s so hard to face, so painful, so so so much I can’t discuss with anyone except my therapist. And my therapist […]

Its a Small World

Pgh Lesbian Correspondents

I’ve been home alone for five days. Laura took a much-deserved mini-break with a friend. I relaxed for two days. I had two events on my calendar. First, a Pride event in New Castle that was lovely. Unfortunately, I ate a late dinner coupled with heat and not enough water so I was sick most […]

My Haudenosunee Dream Catcher

Dream Catcher

I am not of Indigenous or Native descent. I am a descended from white European colonizers, mainly from the British Isles and Western Europe who settled in what we now label as Pennsylvania, Maryland, and North Carolina. I do try to listen and learn from my Indigenous friends, colleagues, and trusted sources. I’ve tried to […]