Know That She Did Rage Against the Dying of the Light, The Life of Joyce Myers Shulick (1959-2023)

Beaver County LGBTQ

Joyce Myers Shulick was a lesbian hero during her life, but one whose modest contributions fade slowly into the mists of time. I refuse to allow that to happen. It matters that Joyce was here. It matters that she made an impact of any size. And it matters that we acknowledge a life lived always […]

How I’m Resisting Social Anxiety During These Holidays

social anxiety

Resisting social anxiety, holiday edition. Anxiety has been a mighty foe of mine since forever. In addition to missing outings and events, it has severed my ties to my friends and colleagues. My world grew much smaller, but I didn’t even feel it happening. When I was forced to leave my home 3+ months ago, […]

Pittsburgh’s LGBTQIA+ Commission Recognizes World AIDS Day

In 2022, 630,000 human beings died from AIDS including more than 4,000 people in the U.S. Globally,more than one person died from AIDS every minute — almost triple the 1988 rate, the year of the firstWorld AIDS Day. There are two main differences between 1988 and now. Today, the rate is declining,and has been since […]

How Discovering My Superpowers Gave Me True Courage

I’ve been watching a lot of superhero/fantasy tv with my nephew, leading me to consider my preferred superpowers. Yes, superpowers. I have two well-worn responses to that query. First, I have excellent peripheral vision because my eyes protrude, known as exothalmia. One of those eyes is lazy and wasn’t properly treated in childhood so I […]

Eight Things I Learned During Eight Weeks of Being Locked Out of My Home

8 Things I Learned

Today is a day of celebration – my birthday and the 2 year anniversary of Pittsburgh LGBTQ Charities, the 501c3 I established in 2021. Today, I learned a lot from both. Also, today marks eight weeks since I was locked out of my home against my will and kept from returning to my cats, returning […]

Here’s My Video Letter to Senator John Fetterman About Disability

Image of Senator John Feetterman

@pghlesbianblog open letter to Senator @John Fetterman about bullying and disability #bullying #disabilities #disability #Senate #Fetterman #bullies #Pittsburgh #redditread #story #blog #blogger #blogging #harassment #fyp #foryourpage #longpost ♬ original sound – PghLesbian Correspondents Blog

It is Hard to Get The Feeling and Sounds of Being Handcuffed Out of My Mind

Two pairs of handcuffs

35 days ago, I was handcuffed into a police cruiser under an invalid civil commitment warrant. I was only detained for four hours, but does that matter? Denying me my civil liberties – my actual liberty – for any period of time without just cause or due process is an affront to democracy. I am […]

It’s Been 36 Days And I’m Still Fighting Back

Pgh Lesbian Correspondents

Good morning, my friends and readers. First, I am still safe with friends. They are feeding a rotating array of vegetarian foods – soup, pasta, even a tofurkey dinner. I’ve only had meat 2 times. To be fair, it is easier to eat vegetarian when other people are preparing the food. But I feel physically […]

I Miss My Cats and I Want To Go Home

assorted cats

It has almost been over a month since I was dislodged from my home of 18 years. Read more: Friends came to my rescue in many ways. I am safe, well-fed, comforted, and supported. But I haven’t seen any of my cats since August 27. I don’t know if they are okay or if […]

Pittsburgh City Council Passes Two Bills Protecting Gender-Affirming Care

Earlier this month, Pittsburgh City Council passed two bills aimed at protecting gender-affirming care for the city’s LGBTQ population. One protects information of those who provide this care and the other preempts statewide legislative restrictions on gender-affirming care. One of the bills would make Pittsburgh a “sanctuary city” regarding gender-affirming services. This amends a previous […]