Have You Requested a #ProtectTransKids Yard Sign?

Have you requested your #ProtectTransKids yard sign or stickers yet? 

With your support, we’ve produced 2000+ signs and 10,000+ stickers to ensure our trans neighbors know that we will stand with them. Back to school will be here before you know it and we’d love to see more signs along school bus routes to amplify this important message for all kids. 

As we’ve tabled at Pride events outside of Allegheny County, we’ve discovered a few realities:

  • Some people are afraid/uncomfortable putting a sign up in their yard SO we need people who don’t have this barrier to put up a sign, even if they might typically not be inclined to do so. Ask your friends, family, and neighbors to put up a sign. If each person who already has a sign asked someone else, imagine the way it would spread quickly.
  • Community groups in rural areas would love to distribute signs, but coming up with the $580 for a box of 50 signs is difficult. We have unfulfilled batch requests for signs from at least five rural communities – we need help!  
  • Too many people said they had seen the signs, but didn’t know WHERE to find them. Sharing this post or an original post with your own content to spread the word is a big help. Especially if you do it regularly and not only on your own timeline, but in groups and on pages, on Nextdoor, via Reddit, etc.

Request your sign/sticker at bit.ly/ProtectTransKidsSigns

We rely 100% on donations. 


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