The #FayetteFive Kitten Kronicles: Day One and Two

I told you about the five kittens who landed in our bathroom. No, not the ones from 2019 – a whole new group in 2023.

They settled in by huddling together in an orange fish tunnel someone gave us, I think it is from Aldi? It is a great kitten room tool because it is easy to sanitize and they LOVE it. If you see the fish at Aldi, grab three for me please.

We made sure they had food, water, litter, warm bedding, a few toys, turned on the nanny cam, and let them decompress.

foster kittens

On their first full day, they began exploring the room, responding to a can of food opening, and stopped hissing for the most part. Their eyes were huge.

What I noticed that day

  • They didn’t groom each other or really themselves
  • They did use the letterbox, but also pooped all over the floor
  • They didn’t play.
  • They did not resist being held, but did not love it.

My speculation was that they were five weeks, not six.

What I noticed the second day

  • They moved from inside the fish to a pile in a cat bed.
  • They came out to see me after I was in the room for awhile.
  • The two larger kittens (by large, I mean 1.25 lbs) got into the toy with balls racing around in a circle. They figure out how to bat it and actually ended up sending it back and forth between them. Pretty cool development moment to witness.
  • Still pooping everywhere.
  • No hissing, not even when it was meds/weigh-in time.

The good news is that almost everyone maintained their weight (1.2 pounds) – THEY ARE SO TINY.

foster kittens

I forgot how much time I spent sitting on the bathroom floor with kittens. Also forgotten was the quantity of paper towels and toilet paper and tissue and everything that can be used to clean, wipe, sop, mop, and plop.

Higgins subduing a paper towel.

They are brave little mother fuckers. They aren’t sure of me, but when I sit on the floor while they toddle around – they gather up their courage to clamber over my extended leg or slip against my back to get to the other side of the room. They don’t mind if I pet them while they eat. They are not bonded with me yet, but they are beginning to understand my functions – bring food, clean messes, scrutinize, and take photos.

Speaking of photos, follow along on our Facebook photo album.

And don’t forget the Mother’s Day wishlist.


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