Happy Holidays!
It has been a lovely season of giving in the midst of an ongoing series of blows targeting the LGBTQ community, both locally and nationally.
And it is never too late to give and to invest in your LGBTQ neighbors. Here are some ways that remain open through the holidays and into 2019.
SisTersPGH is a transgender/nonbinary centered shelter transitioning program based in Pittsburgh, PA. SisTersPGH, Corp offers outreach, accurate trans/nonbinary education, advocacy, and emergency sheltering for trans/nonbinary youth and adults, with the primary goal of establishing permanent low-income housing for people transitioning out of emergency shelters.
SisTers is collecting items for transgender and nonbinary youth and adults during this holiday season. They have identified bus tickets and gift cards as their priority. You can donate gift cards to places like Giant Eagle, Target, Burlington Coat Factory, Starbucks (a safe space), Panera, Eat n Park, McDonalds, Wendys, etc.
SisTers also has a Facebook fundraiser for their general operating needs. You can contribute here.
True T Pgh is collecting gently used coats and winter gear for an upcoming distribution in mid to late January. You can donate items via Kelly Strayhorn Theater/Community Theater Group to the attention of True T Entertainment. 5941 Penn Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15206. Financial donations via a check made payable to Kelly Strayhorn will also be helpful. We’ll keep you notified of the date for the coat distribution as this is specifically LGBTQ friendly.
Questions about the coat drive or if you need to arrange for someone to pick up donations? Email truetstaff@gmail.com
Early January is a good time to organize a coat drive among your friends and family. Not only do they sometimes receive new coats as gifts, but the sales are off the hook so your shopper friends can do some amazing good if a bunch of folks chip in $5 here and there.
Thank you for your engagement with the LGBTQ community during the holidays. May it lead you to remain connected year-round!
ps – thanks to everyone who dropped me a note or line about their donations in response to these posts and the articles at the Pittsburgh Current. it is thoughtful of you to let me know that the voices of my LGBTQ friends and neighbors are heard and acknowledged.
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